
Wwyd: sleeping arrangements

We're at my folks house. DD has been sleeping on a toddler bed in their (giant) master bedroom but it's not working out so well because they all keep waking each other up.

We need to move her bed to another room, probably DH's & mine. It's tiny so we'll probably all wake each other too but at least then my parents don't have to deal with it.

There is another room that's my dad's office. It's on the second floor and overlooks the entryway with a half wall. Two-story drop if you fling something over the wall. My mom thinks we can put DD's bed in there. The half wall is about 6-8 inches above DD's head, and to date, she has never once climbed out of bed: she waits for us to get her.

It would still be crazy to put her bed in there, right?
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Re: Wwyd: sleeping arrangements

  • Ok we're not doing it. I told my folks I wouldn't be able to sleep if she was in there due to my own anxiety about the half wall. She'll be in with us. It's only two more nights!
     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We put DD in a pack n play in my dad's (huge) master bathroom when we visit him because otherwise she'd be in a room with us or him and we would have the same issue.
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