June 2014 Moms

Cold & Flu Season (Tips for LO's)

'Tis the Season and what not... for snot!

It was bound to happen, especially with the entire household sick, but now that it has I'm realizing there may be more options open to us now that our kiddos are at/approaching the 6 month mark.  The general remedies (or at least comfort strategies) I've heard include:

-Creating a sauna out of your bathroom using steam from shower
-Snot Sucker
-Tylenol for fever
-Essential oils (I know lavender & eucalyptus have been helping DH and I)

Beyond that... I have no idea.  I last asked Ped about this at 4mo checkup and only then it was just in case.  Now that K is actually sick, the Ped is closed until after the weekend.  Granted, LO has no fever and is generally happy so I wouldn't be taking her in anyway.

Just thought we could all swap remedies and stories since it's heartbreaking watching your LO fill up with all the boogs and not being able to fix it. (So much for BM keeping them from getting sick LOL)

I hope no one else's LO has come down with anything for the holiday, but hopefully we can all learn something new here!
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MET: 12/31/06 ENGAGED: 5/23/11 MARRIED: 11/11/11 DD DOB: 6/6/14
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Re: Cold & Flu Season (Tips for LO's)

  • Snuggles, that is the only thing making poor Murph feel better today. He has the flu :(
  • They make nightlights that have strips to go in them that make the room smell like Vicks. You can get Vicks rub for babies. Sleeping on an incline. Lots of fluids. Snuggles and hugs.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

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  • @Taymiller  I'm so sorry about Murph... hope LO feels better soon!!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    MET: 12/31/06 ENGAGED: 5/23/11 MARRIED: 11/11/11 DD DOB: 6/6/14
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  • They make nightlights that have strips to go in them that make the room smell like Vicks. You can get Vicks rub for babies. Sleeping on an incline. Lots of fluids. Snuggles and hugs.

    I got this for LO and was surprised that it was a cold mist, I just remember them being warm and it would seem like a warm one would clear up stuffy noses, that's way hot steamy showers help. Been deciding if I want to go out and get a warm one. Right now the Vic's strips have helped a ton. I swear we have the chronic daycare cold going on here.
  • Hubby just got a positive flu diagnosis a few hrs ago, so I spent the afternoon cloroxing everything n am gettingr ready to try some essential oil therapy for him and some preventative oils for the rest of us. Fingers crossed!
  • Cool mist humidifier and saline drops with the nose sucker helps him sleep and feel so much better!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • meritsamommameritsamomma member
    edited December 2014
    We've been using the Vicks tabs on her vaporizer the last few nights and I started sleeping in her room because it's helping my sinuses!
    I found Boogie Mist at Target and that's been a lifesaver for her. She seems to have woken unclogged this morning so hopefully she's nearing the end! Mom and Dad are still miserable though!
    @MarciP83‌ hope no one else gets it!

    Edit because words
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    MET: 12/31/06 ENGAGED: 5/23/11 MARRIED: 11/11/11 DD DOB: 6/6/14
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  • @shiggybop‌ Thanks for sharing the saline method. I too do the list of things you've listed. Though I have to constantly explain the use of cool mist.
  • @shiggybop‌ thanks for the tip on holding LO's arms by head. We were having some crazy wrestling matches with K before, now it's so easy to do!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
    MET: 12/31/06 ENGAGED: 5/23/11 MARRIED: 11/11/11 DD DOB: 6/6/14
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