Please help, is anyone finding that their partner's "stench" is suddenly absolutely repulsive!? I don't know what to do. For some reason my husband gives off this "stink" that literally makes me sick. I've tried asking him nicely to brush his teeth or things before sexy time, because I've identified that beer breath is a no-go, but he just blows up and starts yelling saying how I don't love him, and think he's unattractive.
It's been causing these little fights (that I just don't have the energy to handle) for a couple of weeks, but last night I actually woke up sick and started vomiting. I had to move downstairs before it got better, and every trip back upstairs to the bathroom, the ENTIRE room smelled like that. It reminds me of really bad boozey sweat and beer breath...but honestly, I think I notice it before he starts drinking.
I know our noses are more sensitive these days, but this is just such a problem and incredibly embarrassing for us both. Am I the only one struggling!? Am I in the wrong that he needs to figure it out and FIX it!? I know no one likes to be told they stink, but I'm trying to be gentle about it
Re: Husband's smell - help!
Literally NO other smells bother me, like at all.
I drag DH into the bathroom with me before bed and we both do the full oral hygiene routine together. I made up some bs about "needing his support to be better about flossing and stuff because pregnancy ruins your teeth" but my real motive was getting him to stop breathing in my fucking face all night. We live in a 1br and we do.not.have.a.couch so it's bed or floor for me. Ugh.
On a completely unhelpful note, but one I find interesting: evolutionary psychology is kind of BS imho but I read a study once about women's attraction to men based on their pregnancy status. So some researchers took pheromone samples (a little pillow placed in a guy's armpit for some time) and had women rate the attractiveness of the scents. They found that women who were pregnant or on progesterone birth control (which kind of mimics pregnancy) preferred the scent of men who were more genetically related to them, and that women who were not pregnant preferred the scent of men who were more genetically different. In other words, when you're in "GET ME PREGNANT!" mode biologically, you'll find yourself attracted to men who will give you a good genetic match because they're different from you, and then when you actually GET pregnant (or your body thinks you are) you seek out men who are similar to you genetically, or likely related to you (brothers, cousins, family members) because they will likely serve as good protectors when you're prego and vulnerable. The study was used to try to explain why women choose guys who are bad for them which is why it's total BS, but it's interesting nonetheless
I'll see if I can find a free link.
Man I'm rambly today.
I did mention that we are both pregnant and if I cant drink and smoke he should not either (that went over real well lol). So I know im a little harsh and crazy but I locked him out of the room and he was not allowed to enter until he showered and brushed his teeth. The alcohol smell still comes out the pores sooo n the middle of the night I relocate to breath better. Luckily his compassion came back and he avoids me when he has a drink now lol. That was our compromise and it works for me.
Today, I tried to spend time with him, but we're on our second bar
He also seems to have this knack of preparing food that he's going to eat, but absolutely wants to make me gag. I loathe beans on a normal day, and now his beans and rice have me running from the room.
He woke me up from my nap this afternoon and gave me a kiss and I ugh, coffee breath.
I can't wait until this smell aversion is over.