July 2015 Moms

Who is not finding out the gender of their baby?!?

My husband was set on not finding out. I have decided to trust him on this one! What are some of the positives about not finding out gender?!

Re: Who is not finding out the gender of their baby?!?

  • I am not finding out the sex of my baby until it is born. The gender I won't know until it is older
  • I don't think I am going to find out the sex. We will see how far I make it with this mindset. I figure that most of the stuff we will register for will be neutral anyway.
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  • Nope, since we got together we both said we wouldn't find out the sex of our first. Family are over the moon with our decision
  • We were team green with DS and are planning to be team green this time as well. We did find out with DD.

    I preferred not knowing. I didn't feel it was any easier to bond with the baby knowing. There is really nothing differently you prepare except names. I enjoyed having DH say "it's a boy!" When DS was born versus an ultrasound tech saying "based on what I'm seeing I feel confident it's a girl" at the anatomy scan.
  • We won't find out what we're having. DH wanted to with DS and I didn't have a birthday present for him so I agreed to find out as his gift. This time I have no desire to find out and we're waiting until the little one gets here. I'm excited for the surprise.
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  • We are still undecided. We didn't find out the sex until DS was born. It was wonderful. I really loved the surprise and the finding out moment.  However, this time I'm a little torn and kind of want to know to prepare. With our first we weren't prepared for anything :)  Now we're prepared for a boy. 
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  • team green here
    June 2012 Mom (2.5 yr old boy), July 2015 Mom (team green), Babywearing newbie/enthusiast
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  • We're not finding out with this one (our third). We have one of each already, so we're prepared for either. I can't really vouch for any pros, but we wanted to experience the surprise in the delivery room this time:)
  • We're not finding out.  It is going to be harder to hold out with twins, but we both do want to be surprised.

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • As of right now, our plan is to be Team Green. I am pretty sure we won't change our minds, but we still have about 10 weeks before anatomy scan, so we could still change our minds.
    July 2015 Jan Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Funnies


    BFP #5 11/15/14, Team Green EDD 7/22/15

    BFP #4 4/30/13, baby girl born med-free Jan. 2014

    BFP #3 9/24/12, Missed m/c at 9w1d (baby measured 8w5d)

    BFP #2 9/23/10, healthy baby girl born med-free June 2011

    BFP #1 5/21/10, Missed m/c at 10w4d (baby measured 8wks), D&C 6/29/10
    "Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot."

  • This is our first and we always said we wouldn't find out. I think it will be the best surprise!
  • We have 3 girls. Didn't want to know with the first but we had some scares and wanted to know everything after that. With the twins we wanted to know in order to prepare if they were boys. With this one we are team green and i CANT WAIT to hear my doc say " its a ....! At delivery
  • Team green as well :)
    Only so many surprises in life
  • We were Team Green with our first two and will be with this one as well.  It's so fun!  I love hearing everyone's predictions and trying to guess myself.  I remember being in labor with both my kiddos and thinking, "Today we find out if it's a boy or girl!"  We asked our MWs not to announce and instead DH did.  It was really special to hear it from him and I think he really enjoyed being the one to call it out. 

    Other positives?  No chance of being told wrong.  It's unusual, but it does happen.  My Aunt's sister was told she was having a girl and low and behold it ended up being a boy.  Also everything you have will be gender neutral in the beginning.
  • I love the idea of having my husband announce!!!!!
  • We're not finding out the sex. I'll let my child decide their gender.
  • Team green!!
  • I really want to be suprised when the baby is born but my husband wants to know. Kinda torn. Has anyone had there husband know and themselves not know?
  • I want to know the sex since it's my first and I want to be prepared, but I can't wait to find out what gender they decide to be later on.
  • We will find out the sex with this one but didn't with DD. I loved not knowing and although it was hard buying gender neutral things only I wouldn't have done it any other way. DH wanted to find out but when all was said and done and our daughter was here he admitted it was fun not knowing.
    BabyFetus Ticker

  • We found out the gender with my first two during pregnancy. We are waiting this time and I kind of wish we had waited with the other two. Registering for gender neutral supplies didn't stop anyone from buying pink everything for my first. You really do get the most "stuff" for the first, and a pink car seat, baby bath tub, and about a million blankets were a little awkward on my baby boy next time around. But I felt silly buying all new things when they were still perfectly good.
  • We found out. We were on the same page that we both wanted to know. Maybe next time will be different!
    Me - 26 
    DH - 27

    TTC #1 since July 2014
    BFP! Oct 18, EDD July 2, 2015


    It's a GIRL!!
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  • ahsile10ahsile10 member
    edited January 2015

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  • Another team green! I love surprises! :)

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  • I really want to be suprised when the baby is born but my husband wants to know. Kinda torn. Has anyone had there husband know and themselves not know?

    My good friends recently did this!! I was surprised at how well he kept it a secret from everyone!! He just bought girl things and kept them in his car trunk :) it would be too hard for me to keep that secret though!
  • We are not finding out. We have one of each and this is our third and final so we thought it would be fun to wait and be surprised.
  • We aren't finding out! Most of our friends and family who we've told are shocked because I have a very classic Type A personality, but for some reason with this...I just want it to be the surprise of a lifetime. Team Green!
  • Team Green here, too. We already have one girl and one boy so we don't need to worry about shopping. It just doesn't matter that much whether its a boy or a girl.
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  • I'm not finding out. And now I'm worried the ultrasound tech or dr may give it away.. I would be pissed.
  • Not finding out. Major reason: what's the last thing in life that you had to wait for so long to find out?? It's exciting.
    Another major reason: team green! Seriously gender specific gifts/items don't do well if you plan to have more than this one.
  • We are not finding out. My husband has a 5 yo and he found out with him. I don't want to know and I think it'll be much more exciting to find out when baby is born!
  • I am a planner so my husband and I want to know but we have had so many premature "do you know what you're having" (since 6 weeks) from experienced family mom's that we may keep the secret to ourselves and let them all be surprised.
  • BabyShaps said:

    I am a planner so my husband and I want to know but we have had so many premature "do you know what you're having" (since 6 weeks) from experienced family mom's that we may keep the secret to ourselves and let them all be surprised.

    The question we are getting from those we have told is when do you find out the sex. People are surprised and disappointed when we tell them when the baby is born
  • For all the reasons that have already been mentioned we are waiting until birth too. We waited with our daughter and my husband loved making the announcement. All of our big items were gender nuetral anyway because we knew we wanted two and didn't want to have to buy new stuff the second go round. We have tons of pink before we ever even left the hospital. On a side note, I felt like we got many more useful gifts at our shower because people didn't know whether they should buy that cute pink outfit or not. For me the hardest part was deciding on bedding for the nursery but once that decision was made it was pretty easy from that point on.
  • For our first two children we wanted to know what sex the baby was. I actually couldn't wait at all. This is baby number three and since this whole pregnancy was a awesome surprise we decided that the sex will be to :-)
  • Agree. Certainly didn't mean to get anyone riled up by saying gender versus sex.
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