March 2013 Moms

Christmas, Round 2!

I remember we had a big post about Christmas last year as well all prepared for their first Christmas.

But what are you kiddos getting for Christmas #2? Now that they all have more unique personalities and interests, what kind of things have you chosen for them?

DS is getting a Spiderman action figure, Spiderman pajamas, a Buzz Lightyear action figures and a big Tonka dump truck. We fully anticipate his new Spiderman toy being permanently attached to him for a couple days. He's kind of obsessed. :-)
DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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Re: Christmas, Round 2!

  • My daughter loves Olivia and owls and coloring, so she's getting a little Olivia stuffed animal, some new colors and paints, and an owl hat and backpack. And some books because she's obsessed with reading too. I can't wait!!
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  • Your son will LOVE the Tonka truck.  We have one and my son loves it.  He races it all around the house.

    We got him one of those tricycles that converts to 3 different stages, some Lincoln logs, and a stuffed animal. Tomorrow we are making Christmas cookies together which I'm sure will be a huge fun mess. 

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