We found out about an hour ago that DH's grandpa had a stroke. Just received a call that he has passed. Given this, I might not be on much for the next day or two. I'm really hoping this is the end of the shitty things, at least for this year.
Married 12.20.2010
BFP#1: 11.22.2012 EDD: 7.22.2013 DS Born 7.24.2013
BFP#2: 11.26.2014 EDD: 7.25.2015 *chemical confirmed 12.08.14*
Re: T&P's Please
Karen - 36 DH - 39
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
BFP#1: 11.22.2012 EDD: 7.22.2013 DS Born 7.24.2013
BFP#2: 11.26.2014 EDD: 7.25.2015 *chemical confirmed 12.08.14*
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
You are in my thoughts.
My little love was born July 20th, 2013!
BFP 11.11.12
TTC #1 Since March 2012
BFP#1: 11.22.2012 EDD: 7.22.2013 DS Born 7.24.2013
BFP#2: 11.26.2014 EDD: 7.25.2015 *chemical confirmed 12.08.14*
*On 4.28.11 we said goodbye to our angel baby (D&E at 18.5 weeks)*
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
BFP#1: 11.22.2012 EDD: 7.22.2013 DS Born 7.24.2013
BFP#2: 11.26.2014 EDD: 7.25.2015 *chemical confirmed 12.08.14*