July 2014 Moms

Anyone else have a little peanut?

Yesterday at the mall, I was holding the baby and some guy goes "Aww, so cute. Let me guess...4 weeks?" I was like, "No, 4 months." He's small but not quite that squishy. ;)

He was just 11 lbs, 10 oz at his 4-month check-up earlier this week (he's a 7/30 baby). His older brother had a good 3+ pounds on him at this point. He's still hanging onto his little 1% curve, though, so hopefully he at least stays there and doesn't jump off in the next couple months.

Re: Anyone else have a little peanut?

  • DD was 10 lbs 12 oz at 4 month appt. she's now a little over 5 months and just hit 12 lbs. Strangers comment on how alert my 2 month old is, I don't say anything...let them think she's wonder baby:)

    Mom to one beautiful July '14 little girl

  • We were just over 12 lbs at our 4 month check.  DD is 6 months today (where did half a year go?) and she's still fitting into 3 month clothing.  Bonus of being smaller?  Get more usage out of all the cute clothes! It'll be interesting to see where she comes in at her check up, but with the holidays, it won't be for another week and a half. 
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  • 11 pounder here also. None of my babies are very big. I have a 39lb almost 8 yr old. But the girl is stronger than her older brothers. Weight is not as important if they are developing properly!
  • My daughter isn't quite that small (13lbs 13oz at 5mos, 30th percentile) but they've got me worried about it. She's been hanging around 30th percentile forever and is developmentally appropriate so I try not to worry. She's just not a big eater.
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  • DD was 12.14 (20th%ile) at 4 months but almost 26" long. She's meeting all of her milestones; she's just long and lean. I am curious to get her weighed at her 6m checkup (in 2 weeks) because she does seem to be getting heavier to me. Her head also seems a lot bigger than it was. Not a newborn anymore :(
  • Aimes33m said:
    My daughter isn't quite that small (13lbs 13oz at 5mos, 30th percentile) but they've got me worried about it. She's been hanging around 30th percentile forever and is developmentally appropriate so I try not to worry. She's just not a big eater.
    They shouldn't be making you worry! I think in general as long as they're following their curve, that's what's important.
  • My peanut was 10 lbs 9 oz at her 4 month appt! The doctors have been on me from her very first appt regarding her weight.. They always recommend me giving her additional formula feeds which I found to be crazy! She's developmentally on target,however; so mommy milk we go
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  • LeaLupins said:

    Aimes33m said:

    My daughter isn't quite that small (13lbs 13oz at 5mos, 30th percentile) but they've got me worried about it. She's been hanging around 30th percentile forever and is developmentally appropriate so I try not to worry. She's just not a big eater.

    They shouldn't be making you worry! I think in general as long as they're following their curve, that's what's important.

    I know, and totally agree, yet I do.

    She's EBF but eats maybe 7 min total 5-6x a day. She won't latch on again after that (screams if I try, won't take a bottle after those few min either. I've pumped after those 7 mins and there is still plenty of milk so it's not a supply issue). So they have us thinking milk protein allergies, colic, reflux. Now they have me going on a dairy and soy free diet (so hard!) or starting hydrolyzed formula like nutramigen.

    The worst part is no one knows - we're throwing darts and hoping something works. And I hate feeling like I have to torture her to get her to eat.
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  • DD will be 5 months this week and last Thursday weighed in at 11 lbs 1 oz at our breastfeeding group. She's def a skinny mini and we get comments from people too. I just joke and say I don't know where she got her skinny genes from since they aren't from her Daddy or I! We aren't on the official weight curve but she's doing well in her own curve and hitting her milestones so the doctor is happy!
  • jwittwerjwittwer member
    edited December 2014
    My LO was 12 lbs 7 oz as of the 18th. She's ebf and recently hit the growth curve (1%). Her pedi made me feel terrible about her being on the small side, but I've started taking everything she says with a grain of salt. After all, I was wearing 3 and 4t sized clothing in kindergarten so I am not large by any means. She's hitting all her milestones so I'm not worried about her at all.
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

  • DD isn't tiny, tiny, but she is on the 25th %ile curve, which is tiny compared to DS who hung out at 95th %ile.  She weighed 13 lbs at her 4 month appointment and has just now started fitting into 3-6 month clothes pretty well, though some are still quite baggy on her.

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  • DD was 11 something at her 4 month appointment. She's been going between the 1st and 3rd percentile since birth though.
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