Yesterday at the mall, I was holding the baby and some guy goes "Aww, so cute. Let me guess...4 weeks?" I was like, "No, 4 months." He's small but not quite that squishy.

He was just 11 lbs, 10 oz at his 4-month check-up earlier this week (he's a 7/30 baby). His older brother had a good 3+ pounds on him at this point. He's still hanging onto his little 1% curve, though, so hopefully he at least stays there and doesn't jump off in the next couple months.
Re: Anyone else have a little peanut?
Mom to one beautiful July '14 little girl
I know, and totally agree, yet I do.
She's EBF but eats maybe 7 min total 5-6x a day. She won't latch on again after that (screams if I try, won't take a bottle after those few min either. I've pumped after those 7 mins and there is still plenty of milk so it's not a supply issue). So they have us thinking milk protein allergies, colic, reflux. Now they have me going on a dairy and soy free diet (so hard!) or starting hydrolyzed formula like nutramigen.
The worst part is no one knows - we're throwing darts and hoping something works. And I hate feeling like I have to torture her to get her to eat.