1. Due date? How many weeks are you? What size is baby?
2. Age at delivery? (optional)
3. Any other children? Furbabies?
4. How are you feeling?
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves?
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents?(Apologies to those who participate in TTC>35 grad check-ins for the overlap in QOTW).
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Please take pics to share in separate thread.
Re: Weekly Check-In 12/19
2. Age at delivery? (optional)
3. Any other children? Furbabies?
4. How are you feeling?
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves?
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents?
2. 46
3. Cat
4. So tired. Not sure how long I can keep up with 11 hr work days. Yes I'm whining
QOTW: Christmas Eve is at my SIL's house and we host Christmas Day at our house with my parents and his family again. Just 12 of us. I loved the traditions my family had when we were younger for Serbian Orthodox Christmas in Jan. Sad that it stopped since pp moved away.
MH and I have been having some marriage issues so I'm having a hard time getting in the mood.
Guess on a positive note I ordered a bunch of baby stuff in Etsy last night for nursery. I've been non excited about that too so I'm hoping when room is put together I can be happy. Sad since it took us so long to finally get pg and I'm feeling like this
ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive. Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)
DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!
@NeonNoon - Yes! You need to set those boundaries, starting now, it's just going to be a big headache moving forward -- this time is about you and you need to get some relaxation in now before the baby comes, which is rapidly approaching! Good luck with that!
@BeckyP005 -- awww Becky, sorry to hear about issues w/ the H! And Yikes to those 11 hour days -- will you be able to cut back soon? I had so much fun putting the nursery together and get warm & fuzzy every time I go in there to look at it knowing he'll be in there soon! It should definitely give you some good feelings too!
1. Due date? How many weeks are you? What size is baby?
Mar 18, 2015, 27+2, Rutabaga
2. Age at delivery? (optional)
3. Any other children? Furbabies?
FTM w/ a boxer/jack russell mix & 2 old skinny kitties
4. How are you feeling?
Well, I was feeling pretty good, but since Wednesday evening (where I think I may have overdone it -- was up @ 5:30am & running around until 6pm), I've felt awful, my RLP/sciatica/back have ben killing me and felt like cramping or something in my abdomen -- what do BH contractions feel like? I've been super tired since then too and getting heartburn now no matter what I eat! But the baby has been moving like crazy everyday, so fight through the pain to smile when I feel him. I have had a strange feeling though, it feels like my belly button is being tugged on from the inside -- is this normal? Sometimes it hurts a little too.
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves?
I had my GD test on Wednesday and was super nervous with being overweight that I'd just automatically have it and nurse called me yesterday saying I passed (!!!!) but that I was anemic -- what?? I take extra iron daily, but maybe it's not enough, waiting for them to call back (my hemoglobin was 10.3 and they like to see it at 11+). Starting at my next appt I'll be going every 2 weeks as well. Time is just flying!! It was so easy to find the HB this time too, it was so loud and sounded like a real HB for the first time, 156bpm, this is getting real!
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents?
DH, my brother and I will be cooking here for my mom and grandma since my dad & stepmom and DH's parents are not nearby. Christmas used to be huge for our family, but everyone has been so depressed with their financial situation, they're not excited about it... I don't understand why, it's not just about presents, it's about being together... but maybe they spend too much time together or something... I hope it'll be fun. I miss my dad's turkey & stuffing, my mom & grandma like ham (yuck!), but I got a small turkey that I'm going to make in the rotisserie. We'll see how it goes!
ME: 38, DH: 42, stopped BCPS 1/2013, TTC #1 2/2013, AMH 0.4, started acupuncture: 7/2013,
BFP: 10/07/2013; MC 10/15/2013 @ 7 wks (natural), focused on health issues for 7 months.
TTC again: 6/2014, 2nd round Letrozole, BFP 7/7/2014!!! --- EDD 3/18/2015!!!
Jan 16th. HR dr still going by Jan19th. But I am not.
2. Age at delivery? 36
3. Any other children? Furbabies?
3 girls and a dog
4. How are you feeling?
Another cold. Yuck. All stuffy. Waddling and sore down there.
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves?
Just had my appt yesterday. Only 1cm. I know it is still early but was hoping I was more after all the contractions. I don't go back until the 2nd thanks to Christmas holiday.
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents?
Christmas party at church tonight, Christmas at my mom's on Sunday and then we celebrate on Christmas day with hubs family at his mom's. It is always so much fun there and we play this fun name game that is hilarious. I was just talking to my older girls about doing our Christmas on Christmas eve. Hubs will take all 3 to the movies and I will get the presents ready like Santa came. Santa has always came early to our house since we lived away before and would be with family on Christmas day. So doing it early doesn't bother the girls.
2. Age at delivery? (optional) 42
3. Any other children? Furbabies? 1 DS 3 in March , 2 doggies, beta fish:)..
4. How are you feeling? Tired, wanting done to be honest. Back pain contractions.
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves? Had appt yesterday. 1 cm, 70% effaced,
Little girl was practice breathing. He said I was free and clear to have her and no restrictions ! Next appt is Tuesday. My rant is my H , he is great worker but doesn't understand I need help at home. I'm feeling depressed. Don't know if hormones, the pain or my SADD
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents? (Apologies to those who participate in TTC>35 grad check-ins for the overlap in QOTW). Will have my mom, brother and sister and BIL( he sticks for presents and leaves:(..).. We usually eat dinner and then play games. We are going to Christmas Eve church service too. First time at this church. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Please take pics to share in separate thread.
Yay for passing GD test! They said I was anemic too and put me on some slow release iron pill. I feel like I have an elephant sitting on me. Oh and ham is yummy...i say yuck to the turkey
@mandyreads boo for a cold!!
ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive. Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)
DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!
ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive. Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)
DE IVF #1 (4/26) BFN DE FET #1 (6/4) BFP! Beta 1=339 Beta 2=852 Beta 3=9957 EDD 2/22/15!!
**siggy warning**
Current Age 35, DH 33
Married 9/2011
BFP 8/2012, Miscarried 9/2012
BFP 9/2012, DS 6/2013
BFP 6/2014, Miscarried 7/2014
BFP 7/2014, DD 4/2015
2. Age at delivery? (optional)37
3. Any other children? Furbabies? 5 year old son
4. How are you feeling? Lots of pressure down under and still tired
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves? Nope just my weekly appts.. Totally forgot to go to our breast feeding class ugh
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents? Spending time with lots of DH family. Two very big parties send one smaller one this next week. Food is always good lol
Baby #2 MC June 2008
Baby #3 Born April 2009
Baby #4 due date February 2015
2. Age at delivery? (optional) 37
3. Any other children? Furbabies? Nope
4. How are you feeling? OK - tired, large, etc. Feet are swelling more easily and find I really have to slow down now
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves? Had my 34 week Monday - went well, next appt is in 10 days, then I start weekly.
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents? No special traditions - DH is Jewish (culturally - not really religiously - he eats everything - even on Yom Kippur - his family goes out to lunch after morning service!) but I am not... my family celebrates Xmas so we usually go to my sister or parent's house but can't this year due to not being able to travel. Nonetheless DH doesn't want a tree in the house (we will have one once baby arrives - that was negotiated long ago!). This year we are spending with some family that is local - so that will be nice, but will miss being w my parents/sister & her family. No special presents that I am aware of - though I do know DH has something up his sleeve... I got him a special reserve sipping rum he likes, and just finally got a list from him today - one item is on back-order till mid-January, other item doesn't exist (wanted a smaller santoku knife - but the 2 sizes we have are the only ones they make!) Need to come up with another idea - and fast!
19 weeks tomorrow - that'll be onion, I think.
2. Age at delivery? (optional)
3. Any other children? Furbabies?
4. How are you feeling?
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves?
Anatomical scan on December 31. Getting a bit anxious about it.
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents?
8/6, 7 weeks, I don't know what fruit size but 1.5 " long
2. Age at delivery? (optional)
3. Any other children? Furbabies?
3 other kids ages 7, 4, 1.5, no pets
4. How are you feeling?
pretty good, easy pregnancy so far with mild morning sickness, sometimes have some waves of it that's more moderate
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves?
The doctor took betas and ruled out ectopic, did ultrasound and saw the heartbeat, I have another appointment in 1.5 weeks
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents?
My hubby is taking a week off, just looking forward to doing things locally, kids opening presents, etc. We like the old Christmas music from the 1950's. I'm looking forward to getting out to Christmas festivals locally and going to San Francisco to just mess around. I'm going to copy my friend and get a water filtration system, Berkey, from my hubby for Christmas. Usually we don't do Christmas presents for each other, but just try to do experiences like going out on a date night instead.
@hikerlady what was your impression of the hypnobirthing class? Do you think it'll work for you?
2. deliver at 37
3. DD 2 1/2
4. Right now I am at a happy medium. Symptoms I don't remember having at this time with our loss are here and I'm feeling more confident that this is going to stick. Unfortunately, I still feel like sometimes I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.
5. 8 days until our first appointment with u/s. We are in the single digits, yah! A big milestone is I will be 8 weeks tomorrow, which is how far along I was when I found out baby had stopped growing at 6 weeks. If nothing happens next week, I think I will go into the appointment at 9 weeks less worried. I don't know that I would call it a rant, just unexpected. After running into someone I had not seen in years, they looked at my belly and asked if I was pregnant. Looks like I'm rocking the 5 month blump.
QOTW: My main goals these next two days is to get presents wrapped and Christmas cards addressed and mailed out. I am so behind this year.
Me 36 DH 39
BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC 12/29/14
TTCAL Siggy Challenge
@hikerlady - good for you for taking care of yourself and honoring your limits. That can be so hard.
@abookworm - seeing the HB is such a beautiful thing, isn't it?
@marijaa333 - yay for feeling better and for being so close with your dissertation! What a big year 2015 will be for you.
@lady2010 - I'm sorry you'll miss spending Xmas where you prefer due to travel restrictions
@niknak1208 - your kids sound adorable! It's so much more fun having kids around on Christmas.
1. Due 5/17/15, 19w, mango
2. 38
3. A toddler and a dog
4. I have symphysis pubis dysfunction and the pain continues to worsen. Mornings start out ok but by the end of the day my mobility is limited. There are moments I throw myself a pity party and worry how bad it'll get. But honestly, other than the SPD I feel great and for that I am grateful. This is temporary, LO is healthy, and it's all totally worth it.
5. We had the anatomy scan last week and all came back as healthy and developing normally. Yay! Oh, and it's a boy! The version of materniT21 I took didn't tell sex so I had to wait for the a/s.
QOTW: We alternate whose family we spend Christmas with and this year it's mine. I have a big family and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. We go to church, open gifts, and there's lots of food. Some of my family members are musical so there's always a time when they get out their guitars and get on the piano and play together. That's probably my favorite part.
EDD is Aug 24th. 5 weeks today!
2. Age at delivery? (optional)
Will be 37.
3. Any other children? Furbabies?
DS is 3 1/2, DD is almost 21 months.
Fur babies are both 12.
4. How are you feeling?
Fine do far, but MS doesn't usually hit for a week or two with me.
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves?
I need to let my midwife know soon.
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents?
Still have a few days of Hanukkah left and will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary on the 27th.
2. Age at delivery? (optional)
Almost 40
3. Any other children? Furbabies?
DD almost 6, DS just turned 4, DD2 just turned 2. No fur babies.
4. How are you feeling?
Just still so tired and sore and so much left to do!
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves?
Having OB appts w/ NSTs twice/week. I don't think I ever updated! I had to take DS and DD2 to my last OB appt and NST. Had never taken them to an NST before. Other than it being exhausting for me (getting them in and out of the car and wrangling them up with toys, stroller, etc), it went SUPER WELL! DD stayed in her stroller with her paci and by the grace of God there was a kids' show on public tv that they watched. That saved me. By the end she was fussing to get out, but we made it through. I have to take DD again tomorrow now but I am feeling a lot better about it since I know it can work.
QOTW: What are your Christmas/holiday plans? Do you have any favorite foods/traditions/music? Are you looking forward to the event? Any special presents?
2. Age at Delivery-46
3. Children/pets- I have 2 sons, age 22 and 1 year. We have a 9yo Beagle.
4. Feeling ok so far. Kind of nervous, and so,very thankful that our FET worked again on the first try. We do worry about possibility of twins, even though we only transferred one embryo. Our good friends transferred 2 embryos, one split, and they have triplets. I'm not sure we could do 3 children under 2. Will feel better after 1st u/s.
5. Just had Beta #2 drawn, strong 1st Beta on Monday gives me confidence.
QOTW- I have to work Christmas Eve. Will spend evening at my Aunt's home (only time all year I see my cousins). Christmas Day will be brunch at my moms and dinner with DH mom.
3. Any other children? Furbabies? 1 cat. I think he's started to suspect something is going on...
4. How are you feeling? Alright. MS for me has still be occasional, but at least it mostly stopped around week 20. Clothes are horrible, and I feel like an enormous, self-conscious cow...and I still have quite a ways to go!
5. Any upcoming appointments, milestones, rants or raves? We have an appointment in a couple of weeks. We're pretty mellow about everything, even being first time parents. Working with researchers in reproduction and infertility, I'm not really surprised by a lot and not phased by a lot, so I wonder if the midwife thinks there's something wrong with us because we never have questions.
QOTW: We had a holiday celebration with my family a week and a half ago, and I thought it was kind of nice doing that. We hosted it at our house, so the house was decorated completely early and it was a fairly simple and delightful meal and time...and now we can just enjoy the rest of the holidays fairly peacefully. The special present for me was the birthday gift of a new DSLR camera - which my husband knew I wanted with our first baby on the way. Sadly, he has also decided we don't need to go to a photographer for photos - I'll take them. It hasn't apparently occurred to him that it's hard to have family photos together when I'm the one to take them and he never takes any. Ugh.