My daughter is still following the newborn schedule of eat, play, short nap. She will sometimes take a little longer nap in the morning (about an hour), but usually she only sleeps for about 45 min about 5 times a day. Her twin brother has gone to the typical 6 month schedule of 2 long naps, and a cat nap in the early evening. I'm going back to work in a month, so I'd really like DD to get on the same schedule as her brother.
Any ideas in how to get her on a better nap schedule? Should I let her fuss when she wakes up after only a half hour or so? I read the Healthy Sleep Habits book, but it assumes they naturally put themselves on a good nap schedule. TIA!
Re: How to get a cat napper to sleep longer?
I try to keep his nap routine consistent. We go to his room, I pull the shades closed, read a book, rock for a bit then in his crib. He's usually up 30 minutes after that, so I'll go in, rub his belly and try and let him nap a bit more. Sometimes he falls asleep for another 30 minutes sometimes he's up.
What helped us is her putting herself to sleep. At this age (less than 6 months) they are supposed to be up maximum 2 hours from the time they wake up to the time they fall asleep again. (On the pediatricians recommendation starting a couple weeks ago) at 2 hours we do a mini bed time routine (rocking, white noise, shades drawn) and then put her in her crib awake. It took a little crying (but surprisingly not too bad) the first few times but now she babbles for a few minutes and then goes to sleep. Her naps are now an average of 1.5 hours, sometimes as much as 2 hours.
If she falls asleep on the boob or when we're out running errands it's still a 30min nap.
Today he actually napped for an hour (after staying up 2.5 hrs past his bedtime last night), so I know he's capable of napping past one sleep cycle... If only I could convince him to do it more often!