November 2014 Moms

Is your family complete?

abbyfulabbyful member
edited December 2014 in November 2014 Moms
I know it's pretty soon after we've all had our babies, but then again I was the one with baby #1 that was asking at my 6-week postpartum appt how soon I could get KTFU again.

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Is your family complete? 205 votes

1 and done
8% 17 votes
1st baby and want more
43% 89 votes
2nd and done
16% 33 votes
2nd and want more
8% 18 votes
3rd and done
6% 13 votes
3rd and want more
1% 4 votes
4th or more and done
1% 4 votes
4th or more and want more
0% 2 votes
8% 17 votes
Just show me the results
3% 8 votes

Re: Is your family complete?

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    We have 2 kids and would like at least 1 more.
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    DS - I'm 99% sure our family is complete with 2 but DH would like one more.


    Trying for #1 since May 2010   l   DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011

    IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks

    November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!

    Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26

    1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12 :)   **TEAM GREEN!**

    Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12

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    Trying for #2

    FET #1 - October '13 - c/p   l   FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled :(   l   FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN

    ~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~

    Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14 :)    **TEAM GREEN!**

    Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14

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    2 and through even though both are boys. I am thinking more practically for us financially and also don't know if I could do another pregnancy plus newborn stage. I'll have to spoil future nieces
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    This was our 2nd, and I'm thinking I want 1 more. We have a boy & girl now, so there's no pressuring comments from people "gonna try for a ___?"

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    shaddox16 said:

    This is our first and not sure. Right now, I'm one and done. We will see.

    This is us...DH says he'd go for a second if he could guarantee it was a boy but 2 girls freaks him out. I've been on team 1 and done for months.
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    We have four, and we'd like at least one more.
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    I voted ss. We aren't sure. I knew I wanted at least two but I wasn't ready for number two until DS1 was a year old. We'll see how we feel in a year - when we're past the newborn stage. :-)
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    I scared DH the other day when I said that I love this baby so much, she makes me want to have four more just like her! Oops ;)

    But realistically, we'll probably just have one more.
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    DS is our first and I definitely know we want more. We both always said we'd like 3, but at least two. I love DS so much, as tired as I am and as scary and stressful as it can be sometimes, I could have a whole bunch of kids and be happy! :)
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    #3 and we are not sure.  We may have one more but we maybe done.  DH turned 40 this year so that is a factor as well as finances.
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    This is my first and I'm 100% happy and content right now.  However, I definitely know that I want a second, just not any time soon!




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    DS is our first. We definitely want one more. If it's a girl, we will most likely be done at 2. If it's another boy, we will try for a 3rd but 3 is definitely our limit.
    BFP 2.22.14 | EDD 11.2.14 | DS 11.7.14
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    We have three (SS is 20, DS1 is 3 and just had DS2).  I'd like more, but not sure DH is on board.
     TTC #1 since June 2008
    M/C @ 6 weeks 12/31/2008, Ectopic @ 6 weeks on 4/23/2010
    Diagnosed Unexplained 11/2009-DH is fine-I don't get AF
    Cycle #22 - 1/27/11 - IUI #1 & Injections - BFP! - DS born 11/11/11 
    TTC#2 - 2/24/14 - IUI & Injections - BFP! - EDD 11/29/14
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    Right now, my husband and I are one and done. He's older than I am and he said he would prefer not to be an "old dad". I feel content with our LO as well.
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    We have 4. I have said that we were done after #2, so I've stopped saying that until anything permanent is done about it.

    Even then I bet I will be one of the ones who gets knocked up after the V. Lol
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    M is our first and we'd like four. There are significant family and personal experience reasons that we'd like four, or three at a minimum (a bit morbid, so I'll leave it at that), so we're aiming to get started with the second soon. EBF might not help!
    It's a girl! Due November 22, 2014
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    Third and done... Probably.

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    I'm in the "this is my second, when can I get KTFU again" club. DH is totally on board & wanted to give it a go the other night! It's so hard trying to be the strong one! Lol!
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    We are two and through. I made that sentiment permanent with getting my tudes tied during my csection. If we want more later, we will adopt. I can't do this pregnancy thing again. However, I very much feel done and like our family is complete. It was the first thing I said when I saw Avery, actually.
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    I say we are done with this being #2 but really I'm not sure. We will reevaluate in 2-3yrs.
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    This is our first and definitely want one more. Before having LO we had contemplated maybe 3, but going through this newborn stage I think two is plenty! We'll see though..
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    I voted one and done, but it's definitely more complicated in my mind. I'd totally be pregnant again and deliver again, but a newborn isn't something I'm eager to repeat.

    My husband is 7 years older than me, so he doesn't want to be having more kids as he's older. Plus finances, where we'd put a second kid in this house... But if he said, "let's have another!" I'd do it.

    If he ends up an only child, he has two older female cousins, two female best friend "cousins" and a TBD cousin who will be 9 months younger. I think that is important.
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    edited December 2014
    Two is good for us right now. We have a boy and a girl and I feel complete. We will probably try for one more depending on finances in 3+ years.

    If only I could somehow skip the 9 months and skip to the baby part lol
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    MrsC430MrsC430 member
    edited December 2014
    Likely we're twins & done, but deep down I'd like to try for a 3rd. Hoping DH (and our finances) will agree to IVF again someday. It sucks that science dictates this decision/outcome :(

    It's twin girls!! Born on 11-2-14!
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    I put first and want more... but not actually sure! I always said I'd like to have two total, but now I'm not sure if I'll just stick with one or if I'll try for another
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    DS is our first, but I always figured I would have at least two. Two seems like a good number. I would like for DS to be totally potty-trained before trying for a second. And to be perfectly honest, I am so exhausted and miserable at the newborn stage that I can't really fathom having two, but I know that I will change my mind down the road.

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    Who knows. I selected first & more because one & done sounds so definitive. We both have a sibling and want to provide that experience, but... oh, so many things.
    We'll see.
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    We have always wanted a big family. 3 or 4 but it has been such a hard journey. If we can't conceive again then we will adopt at least 1 more child. This little man is our little miracle. The thought of potentially enduring another loss is scary but I would regret it if I didn't at least try.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
                                                   TTC Since 2009 
                                        BFP 1: Nov 2010 MMC at 5 Weeks
                  BFP 2: June 2010 First Round of Clomid Blighted Ovum at 7 weeks
         Surprise BFP 3: Feb 2014, Healthy Baby Boy Due October 27th 2014. OB thinks this is it!
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    This is our first and we want one more. Definitely not anytime soon though. Probably in another 3-5 years.
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    N14 October Siggy Challenge: How I feel in the third trimester (especially when DH eats my pregnancy food)


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    H says we are done for now, whatever that means. We are not done I would like 2 more. We have fertility issues that will most likely get worse over time. My doctor couldn't believe I was pregnant when I got the BFP! So I will take what I can get! I am very happy with my miracle baby if that's all I'm able to have!
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    I said "SS" because we are *likely* done but no permanent measures have been taken. These two kiddos are 2.5 years apart, and it's not been easy! Financially we'd need some time to save up money again before a 3rd baby because I am primary breadwinner but work freelance so I get ZERO leave. My husband never wanted more than 2 kids, and these two have not been easy ones. Because we have a boy & a girl he REALLY feels done. He grew up with a younger sister. I grew up with 2 siblings. He is also 10 years older than me, and nearly 41 years old. If we even had a 3rd, our first would definitely be in school, and the second would be close to school age, so maybe 4 years from now. In that case my husband would be about 45 years old. I'm not sure he'd be up for it. Plus, the idea of going back to the hard stuff after it gets easy would be scary. Anyways, I already have my IUD in place. It's likely these two will be our only two, but I just wasn't ready for a permanent decision.
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    I voted one and done. I struggle with how final that is, but SO would really struggle doing the newborn thing again. He didn't have much fun during my pregnancy either. I never considered only having one child until he mentioned the possibility of our family of three being complete, but this little man is so perfect that I could be swayed! So much love!
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    Dh is in his way home from getting his vasrctomy, so.... Definitely two and through.
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