
Where do you shop for DH?

DH wants some new dress clothes and casual stuff. He likes Express, but I'm not loving a lot of the casual things there right now. What else do you like that's reasonably priced?

Re: Where do you shop for DH?

  • I should mention that we live in the middle of nowhere, so I'm ordering online.
  • Usually Macy's, Kohls, Old Navy

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  • H loves Banana Republic
  • Thanks! I completely forgot about a few of those stores. He usually takes care of his own shopping, but this is what he wants for Christmas. I was drawing a blank.
  • No DH to shop for here. But top store picks from my men are:

    Old navy, Hollister, American Eagle, Macys, Express, Target, Hot Topic, PacSun, and G by Guess.

    Oh, my dad likes JCPennys a lot. 
    Me 28 and FI 28
    Together since 7-4-2004
    Getting married 11-1-2014
    Tentative TTC date December 2014
  • He shops for himself. But he buys Carhartts for pants (casual, obviously) and LL Bean for about everything else.
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  • Kohls, old navy, some Target, Dillard's and jcpenny


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  • My DH beats the shit out of his clothes and he works in construction for a living, so his needs for anything dressy are very minimal. I usually do his shopping at Kohls, Walmart, Target, or Bob's.
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  • Thanks! I'm off to H&M. I forgot you can order online from them now.
  • Jos A Banks for dress clothes. He loves being able to wash his dress shirts and then not iron them.

    Our casual is a bit "outdoorsy" so usually Eddie Bauer, REI, Eastern Mountain Sports, etc.

    Honestly, he finds a lot of stuff at Target also.
  • DH has gotten some stuff from Deluth Trading company and its really good quality.

    Side note: anyone else old like me and would never set foot in hollister or express anymore?
  • DH has gotten some stuff from Deluth Trading company and its really good quality.

    Side note: anyone else old like me and would never set foot in hollister or express anymore?

    I felt like I was too old for Hollister once I hit college buy I have always been an old person trapped in a younger person's body.

    When I can finally convince my husband that he needs to retire certain pieces of 10+ year old clothing, his clothes usually come from Kohl's or Old Navy. He wears scrubs for work and is a jeans and thirst guy. He still has plenty of t-shirts from high school but I make him update his jeans every year or two.
  • I don't have anything useful to add, aside from the fact that I'm jealous that your husbands all seem to dress nicely. DH doesn't care about how he dresses so he's usually in jeans (that are torn/stained from work) and old t-shirts (like from when we were in high school). He works in mechanics so he's hard on his clothes. I've tried buying him new jeans but they get destroyed at work within a couple of weeks, and same for his shirts, he just refuses to get rid of any of them because they all "still fit" and are comfy because they've been washed a million times, lol.

    Girl, preach. My DH is exactly like yours (except he's in construction, not a mechanic). Either way he could care less about looking presentable. He cleans up so nicely, but it normally takes some prodding from me.
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  • I'm so glad this was posted. H a has lost 130lbs over the last 2 years and we have been limping his wardrobe along as he slims down. Now we are at the point where we need to do a full replacement with stuff that fits right.

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  • Nordstrom Rack or The Buckle.
    Nice jeans, tees, button downs.

    ZBC 11/2012 & SNC 7/2014

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  • Kohls and Gap mostly, but I did get him a great quarter-zip sweater from Old Navy this year during one of their awesome online sales.

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