Babies: 6 - 9 Months

STM: do you feel you are spending as much time w/#2 as w/ #1?

laura3462laura3462 member
edited December 2014 in Babies: 6 - 9 Months
I feel like the time is flying by so much faster with #2. She just turned 7m and I just don't feel like I get a lot of 1:1 time or time to work on her development. I have a very busy 4 yr old. I was looking back at the 4yr old pics and noticed he was doing more at 7 months (crawling & sitting on scooter) then #2 LO one does. She sits and rolls all over but does not crawl yet. A lot of times I do not put her on the floor because of big brother. He is good with her but he just doesn't think sometime. I feel defeated in trying to keep both kids happy and developing. Any suggestions on what works for you to meet the needs of 2 different development stages? 
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Re: STM: do you feel you are spending as much time w/#2 as w/ #1?

  • I understand what you are saying, however all babies are different. One benefit your youngest will have is having an older sibling to learn from. Don't beat yourself up over this, it is hard and you do the best you can.
  • I agree with PP.  It's really not fair to compare them.  My DS (now 3 yrs) never did the things my 6 month old DD did at her age, and I definitely worked with him more.

    That being said, I steal every bit of 1:1 time I can.  When one is sleeping, I spend quality time with the other, such as when there is a 1/2 hour between bedtimes; one wakes before the other in morning; during separate naptimes; etc.  Even if I'm changing her diaper, we take extra time and play or sit up/ lie down again, etc.  We also do a lot of floor time together, the three of us, Which is downright comical.  When we go out somewhere, whether for kid entertainment, or holiday shopping, I try to make it most interesting for DS, who I can converse with and we can have some silliness and laughs.

    Lastly, I've learned to adjust my tolerance level for the mess in my house, television watching/ Ipad use, etc.  There are just times that my attention to one or both kids requires that I overlook such items.

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