Hi everyone!
My DH & I are recently married, not yet ttc but soonish and also open minded for adoption. I've been trying to become all natural for a while. I've successfully (I think) changed everything in the bathroom except some medicines, and I'm moving onto cleaning. I'm happy to share my journey via the blog I've been updating. So, hey guys!!
Gifting question: as people give us things that we would rather not use as it isn't eco friendly, organic, etc, I'm out in a weird situation. what would you do? I have been accepting the gifts, I really appreciate the thought and effort and don't want to offend! I use some, probably out of guilt. I give gifts that I would use, and because of that and our lifestyle in general a few of my friends understand our preference. My sweet mom is the worst though, sending me lots of things I end up giving away/holding onto forever because I'm not sure what to do.
What do you do? What would you do?
Re: intro/gifting question