May 2013 Moms

Update on LO's Speech and Early Intervention

edited December 2014 in May 2013 Moms
Hi guys, I thought I would give an update on LO's appointment with early intervention.  I decided to call because he was really only saying a few words consistently.  
The evaluation went well, and was very relaxed and fun for LO.   They asked a bunch of questions about his physical, social, and language development, and had him play with a puzzle and some blocks.  Thankfully, he did very well in all areas including non verbal communication, motor skills, and sociability.   But as excepted, his expressive communication was behind.  
He qualified for some help with language not so much for his lack of words but because they expected to see more babbling, which he does very little of, and they wanted to see him use some "jargon," which is basically a string of sounds that mimic adult speech.   He doesn't use jargon at all so that is why he will get some help.   He is a quiet one!
In the mean time, they encouraged signing which he does, and lots of reading which he likes.  And we will go for a hearing check.
All in all, we are happy we called, because it relieved some anxiety for me and DH about his overall development and confirmed what we were thinking about his language which hopefully he will catch up on.
Has anyone else been using EI?  How is it going?  Let me know if anyone has any questions about our experience so far.


Re: Update on LO's Speech and Early Intervention

  • Your DS sounds a lot like my DS1 who was in EI for speech about two years ago. He barely had any words at 19 months and was pretty quiet. Fast forward a year with help from EI and just maturing and he was off the charts in communication at his one year eval. He's a chatty little guy now at almost 3.5. He's shy so I kind if thing that played into it a little too but overall he's caught up. I worried a lot!! But, sometimes they develop a little slower but we tend to panic in the language dept. good luck! EI was great for us.
  • My oldest son sounded a lot like that and has had speech therapy since 20 months. He qualified for First Steps through the state and has since transitioned to public preschool to continue therapy...although he's pretty chatty now. If you have any questions about things just PM me.
    TTC January 2010
    BFP #1 10-11-10 ectopic discovered 10-22-10, 10-23-10 methotrexate & emergency surgery, lost right tube BFP #2 12-1-10 Found to be tissue dropped from salingectomy or missed heterotopic pregnancy from BFP #1 BFP #3 1-30-11 DS arrived on due date 10-10-11 BFP #4 Surprise 9-3-12 EDD 5-9-13 DS2 arrived 5-5-13 BFP #5 5-14-14 Emergency D&C 6-16-14 9 weeks
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  • Glad some of your concerns were eased, and that he qualified for some therapy ! Our oldest was in speech from 20 months until age 3 (he no longer qualified at age 3 because he caught up to age level). Hopefully you get as much out of it as we did :) 
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  • I thought we'd be in the same boat, but literally in the last few days N's randomly started saying lots of words (he was 19 months on the 11th).

    So glad you were proactive and can now rest easier knowing he's getting the help he needs. I'm sure he'll be up to speed in no time!
    Brady (7.15.10) and Nolan (5.11.13)
  • icajesica82icajesica82 member
    edited December 2014
    My DD started speech therapy when she was just past 2 years.  She is still in therapy and is doing so much better.  She barely said any words at 2.  

    Edit: Just noticed I posted on the wrong board :)  Sorry!
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