August 2014 Moms

Supplementing? HELP

My daughter is 14 weeks and I've been going to night school so we're away from each other from 4pm until 10:30 pm. The past week she has been eating almost 10oz when I'm away and I just cannot pump that. I usually come home with 4 oz and then pump again as soon as I get home and get 2 oz. I'm just not getting enough and I'm running out of my frozen stock pile. Any advice?! I really do not want to have to supplement with formula but I see that coming.. I need help!

Re: Supplementing? HELP

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    These might be things you're already doing or have thought of, but just in case...

    Have you tried pumping other times throughout the day (i.e. morning)?  My supply seems lower in the evening.

    Are you able to pump more than once during your night classes?  

    Are you massaging while pumping?  Babies are much more efficient than pumps.

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    I have tried pumping in the morning but it's so difficult while entertaining a baby. But I actually haven't been massaging! Thank you!!!
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    Massaging makes a big difference for me... I hope it helps you too.  GL!
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    It was taking me 5 pumping sessions to barely make what she needed for 3 feedings, and we were still going through our freezer stash. I drink 2 cups of fenugreek tea every day, and I bought new pump parts which increased my output a little, but we ended up supplementing anyway because she wasn't gaining appropriately (according to our pedi). I still pump and give her BM when I'm at work, we just supplement when I nurse since I don't produce enough. I was pretty broken up about it at first, but to be honest, it took the pressure off, and it's much less stressful.
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    Hand express after each pumping session to fully drain your breasts. Also try to be in a calm place when pumping. If I'm in a hurry, I'll pump way less.
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