I work in an institution that is somewhat outdated in purpose and will eventually either be shut down, downsized or changed into something more relevant. Spending freezes have impacted my department in that I cannot get a new computer system to ensure operations can continue if/when our current systems crashes (the system we use is from 1985, the year I was BORN!!).
I am meeting with our CEO today for strategic planning, and it only makes sense for me to suggest that we plan to shut down the department before shit hits the fan and the computer system crashes. Because of the nature of the service we provide, we need a while (6 weeks, I think) to tender the service, transfer the files, deal with inventory etc.
I feel like I'm going to be letting my department (2 employees will be affected, so not a huge staff but I still feel for them) down in suggesting this. They will likely need to keep me on either a part-time basis or as a contract employee for consultation to meet accreditation standards (and I will be suggesting this as it is best for patient care here) but it makes me feel even worse as I feel I'm looking out for myself only, even though there is no one else in my department who will have a purpose here once it shuts down.
Sorry for the novel, meeting with CEO is at 1:00 and I just need to get some of this off of my chest!
EDIT: The other two employees are permanent, so they will be offered jobs too, but maybe not here/probably not doing what they are doing now.
Re: Strategic Planning - going to suggest shutting down department :/
Well that did not go as poorly as I expected...
The CEO says there is no way we can afford to outsource the service given what we do so we will have to put pressure on IT to make purchasing a new system a priority.