I totally believe in ghosts, however, I wouldn't post about it online because I know it's not rational and I admit to being my own special kind of crazy.
So, that being said, what exactly are you looking to get out of this post?
This is really just too much. The spelling. The poor grammar. The lack of punctuation. The inability to grasp the English language. I. Just. Can't. It put me over the edge just reading this. Yal?!? Wtf? Do you mean y'all? Miss spelling? Sprit? Dieing holt now?!? God help me. I might gouge my eyes out if I need to read anymore.
Re: orbs and pregnancy!?
I hope my sarcasm was understood. And I can't think of a good response to the spirit thing. I'm out.
Baby #1: BFP 1/30/14, EDD 9/28/14, natural MC @ 6 weeks
Baby #2: BFP 8/1/2014, EDD 4/9/2015, It's a GIRL: Addison Elizabeth!
P.S. I can't even google funnies for this one because of all the freaking spiders. :-&
I didn't realize Tori Spelling had time to do independent stuff and appear on a home video. Good for her