Working Moms

Laptop Recommendations??

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a personal laptop?  I'm on work laptop probably 95% of the time and would be using my personal laptop for only a few things: web browsing, storing photos/videos, iTunes. I probably don't really even need to have Microsoft Office on it. I have a iPad, but I really don't like using it as it and prefer to use something with a keyboard.  I don't want to spend much (probably under $500) because I will only be using it for the things I mentioned above.  The primary issues is storing photos as I have so many on my iPhone  that I need to transfer them off because the storage is full.  My company has a website that allows us discounts at Dell, Microsoft, HP, Apple, etc. (I'm thinking I don't want an Apple though) and there are some holiday deals, so I'm thinking now would be a good time to get one.

Any recommendations?  I'm so out of the loop with anything technology related LOL.  Thank you!!

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Re: Laptop Recommendations??

  • I dropped my awesome Samsung with a Core i7 processor on Cyber Monday.

    I replaced it with a $300 HP 15 (AMD A8 processor).

    So far, happy with it. 

    Things to consider:

    What version of windows do you want?

    Does speed matter?  (if so, I decided the worst I was willing to consider was a quad core processor)

    Do you want it already set up to link to cloud storage?  (mine has auto 25 gig cloud connection lifetime.  Can purchase more.).

    For storage, DH just bought a Passport Ultra and it's awesome.  Way faster and more compact than my giant external hard drive storage device.

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  • groovygrlgroovygrl member
    edited December 2014
    I think it might depend on the type of software you want/need also- I am a Mac person, we own multiple ipads, iphones and macbooks and I like that they all talk to each other & work easily together.
    I use iphoto & imovie quite a bit on my macbook so I like that aspect. iMovie is really easy to use compared to other products I've used like it on PCs. I also get no popups, no spammy crap and none of that other junk I used to get on PCs/Microsoft with the constant dealing w/ virus protection software updates etc etc, so to me that is a huge plus.

    Anddddd oops I just re-read and saw you don't want Apple but I'll just leave this here anyway. LOL.

    I do hate the mac/iOS version of Office (looks totally different than on a PC) as well as the analagous Mac software (Pages, numbers, etc) I use it only when absolutely necessary.  Sounds like that is not a concern for you though.
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  • We have had a mid-range HP for 3 years that we use for a lot of the same things that you would use yours for and we love it.  I would look for something without Microsoft 8 as it is a PITA.  And if it works in your budget I'd get a touch screen.  We didn't get it and I wish we had it (not that we necessarily need it but it would be handy sometimes).
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  • Thanks for the help everyone!!  Really appreciate it.
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  • I'm buying a new one and our IT person in the odc advised me to buy any core i5 laptop - dell or hp actually. Might settle for dell

    i love you, my little mooncake mahal kita
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  • My husband (the IT professional) just bought me an Acer chromebook. It's small but not tiny, light, and was under $200.

    I, umm... don't know any of the technical details, lol. But maybe someone else does? 
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  • I take my response back.  The HP 15 isn't good enough for me.

    I tried to work with multiple high res photos simultaneously and it stalled over and over and over.  It took me over 2 hours to review and select 20 great shots from our "at home" photo shoot.  That should have been a 20 minute task.

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