I don't post that often, so the background is that my son just turned 6, HFA, Kindergartener, and is mainstreamed. He has been pulled out several times a week for OT and social skills group/speech based on his preschool IEP. His IEP isn't up for review until April, but the team asked to push up his IEP meeting since they feel the goals are geared more towards preschool than K. He was in individual private speech from 18 months until just before he started K, but was discharged because he met all goals except the social pragmatics.
I received a call from the OT, and she wanted to give me a heads up that she will be recommending that he no longer receive OT services. She says that his handwriting and cutting are in the normal range, and he has met the goals outlined in his IEP. His skills measure at the 27th percentile. Even I can tell that he's made phenomenal progress in the last year. He went from not wanting anything to do with a pencil last year, to coming home after school and making elaborate (albeit sloppy) drawings for an hour or more at a time. I can tell she's used to getting push back from parents, because she started the conversation by saying that she hoped it would be good news. She said that if little things come up down the line, she can still work with him even without an IEP to tweak things.
Is there anything I should ask before agreeing? Overall, I'm supportive. The goal has always been that one day he would need no services, and hopefully no IEP. I don't want him pulled out for services that he doesn't actually need, since he's missing instruction time. He can write all of his letters (capital and lower case) appropriately sized, and can cut shapes within 1/4 inch of the line. I'm not even sure that I could make a case to keep OT even if I wanted to. He will still receive social skills group and accommodations in the classroom (visual schedule, checking that he understands verbal instructions, etc).
On the other hand, I'm feeling some anxiety about letting services go already. I have concerns that it would be tough to get services back in the future if he needed them. He will no longer have the supports that have been surrounding him most of his life, losing speech and OT within 6 months of each other. This is what we've been working towards, but I guess I'm nervous. (This is where I need a kick in the pants). I don't want to miss anything obvious that I should bring up.
Thanks ladies!
Re: Losing Services- anything I should ask?