Cloth Diapering

Re: Attention! Every body pay attention to this post!

  • LLOL.  Brides be crazy.
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  • I'm confused as to why she needs one person that has 6 corgis.
    Couldn't she break up into groups of 2 or 3?  That would probably make it easier.

    Then again...even if I had a corgi, I don't think I'd want to get involved with this bridezilla.
  • this woman is crazy...corgi crazy!!

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  • edited December 2014
    I love the "what if their arms get tired and one of them drops a corgi" comment. Lol

    To be honest, I'm not a corgi fan, thanks to an old roommate, but this really did make me laugh!
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  • I have one question after reading she planning to have them wearing diapers to match the bridesmaids dresses or how is she planning to deal with the messes?

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  • I have a friend who's H wanted his families Corgi to be their ring bearer. She said no.

    Our lab was our ring bearer, so I can actually get that, but 6 corgis seems over the top.
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  • Theres an older gentlemen who would bring his corgi into my old job. This corgi was the most well behaved dog I have ever met.

    lso that last gif of the corgi attacking the lettuce...Im cracking well as trying to figure out what the lettuce did to make the corgi so angry..
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