
Moisturizer recommendations

I'm looking for a new facial moisturizer. I tend to have really dry skin especially this time of year and I don't usually wear much for make up so I almost never wear foundation but usually do something with SPF. I also have really sensitive skin so that also comes into play for me.

Are you like me and have you found a product you love? If so please to share!  I'm willing to spend $$ if it is a good value.

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Re: Moisturizer recommendations

  • I'm a bit of a hippie but I really like straight grapeseed oil for night time. Its light and has some astringent properties that I find keep my skin really clear and happy. 

    My favorite thing to do when DH travels is take a really hot shower and lather up in grapeseed oil before bed. It aint pretty but my skin is gorgeous in the morning. 
  • I've tried coconut oil and actually liked it a lot, but I usually use Neutrogena Naturals facial moisturizer.  I have super sensitive skin and this works well for me.  I also use the Neutrogena tinted moisturizer instead of foundation during the daytime.
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  • I've just started using the Boots Co. no. 7. You can get it at Target for around $20 ish. I have really dry, sensitive skin and it's been good to me so far.
  • I like Estee Lauder Daywear. 

  • Cetaphil cream moisturizer in the jar. Awesome stuff.
  • Thanks all. I think I'll be doing some shopping soon.

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