so for some reason, I'm in a FB group for alumni of my high school. I say "for some reason" because I know I didn't consciously join it. I was super uninvolved in high school, I only have like 2 friends I keep in touch with from high school, nobody even contacted me about the reunion, etc. I think maybe I put in my profile that I went there and then clicked the wrong button one day or something, because I'm in this stupid group.
It's mostly full of olds asking questions about teachers or sharing pictures. But yesterday, one of the admins posted this gem of a joke (I'm posting below as 2 photos because you can't copy/paste from FB and lazy).
I'm annoyed. A few people did ask "why would you post this here?" And he just responded with crap like "where else should I post this?" And "if I made a few people smile, I did my job". Aside from the inappropriate placing of a religion joke on a public high school alumni page, this joke doesn't even make any goddamn sense and it makes me mad. The "smug" atheist (who could probably actually make an educated guess as an answer to this "intelligent" question) wanted to talk about atheism, not poop. If someone can't answer the poop question, does that make them unqualified to talk about anything, ever? Like, should I tell the plumber here to fix my leak that how can he expect to know how to fix a leak, if he doesn't know shit?
I hate this joke so hard. Is the joke that the answer to the question is "why, because of the majesty of god!" and any true believer would know that, and that's why the atheist is dumb?
Tell me this isn't worth net battling over.

I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv
Re: This probably isn't worth fighting over, but...
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
I wouldn't waste time on idiots, especially if you don't really care about the group.
I get being bothered by a religious joke on an alumni site, but don't netbattle about the joke itself, because who cares.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
Me-31, H-27
**Loss 1-Cycle 7(June 2013) at 5w6d-CP**Loss 2-Cycle 11(October 2013) at 5w4d-CP**
**Loss 3-Cycle 14 (January-February 2014)-M/C dx 2/10, EP dx 2/24, MTX 2/25**
Beta Hell--hCG finally down to 0 - 6/20/14
SA normal. Genetic testing normal. Hormonal testing normal.
HSG 6/30/14 - found blocked left tube and 2 'bubbles' on uterine wall.
Hysteroscopy/Lap--8/4/14 - Tubes unblocked. Polyps removed from uterine wall. Septum removed.
9/30/14--Off the bench! Unmedicated TI through December 2014
BFP 12/14/14!!! Beta #1, 12/16: 990 Beta #2, 12/18: Over 2000! Beta #3, 12/22: over 8000!
U/S #1, 12/23: gestational sac, possible heartbeat
U/S #2, 12/30: HEARTBEAT! 128bpm, measuring right on at 7w EDD: 8/19/2015
U/S #3, 1/9: BPM in the 180s, IT'S HAPPENING!!!