Here's a question I should have asked DS's psychiatrist, but now I have to wait for next week's appt. DS is in week 3 of ADHD med trial (intuniv). We doubled his dosage after seeing no affect at all on him the first two weeks. He did show signs of sleepiness this weekend. Nothing that prevented him from functioning, in fact it was nice. He acted a lot like when he's sick. He did fall asleep once in the car while running errands. On Sunday he sat in a chair and watched a good 30 minutes of a football game with us, commenting and asking questions appropriately. Like he sat, without hopping around the room, pacing, or jumping off or climbing on the chair. That was definitely new. He also didn't pick up the Ipad all day, which was really weird (good). He just kindof hung out with me and DH and I took turns playing with him in his room (typically I'd have to cajole him to break away from the Ipad). He did watch a couple hours of TV. Doing his homework was as bad as ever though. The anxiety piece is almost clearer with this new med, maybe because the ADHD symptoms have been blunted? The idea is that once we figure out the ADHD piece we'll add another drug for the GAD. Is this what I'm supposed to be looking for? What kinds of improvements did you see if you have tried meds for ADHD?
Also, our insurance covers intuniv but only after we trial the generic, guanfacine. From what I understand, the generic is immediate release while the intuniv is extended release for kids. This seems redic. Insurance confirmed there isn't an exception for kids. Will our psych get around this somehow, or will we really have to trial the generic? Right now we're still using samples.
Re: What ADHD symptoms subside with meds?
long post to say, there may be a med that will work better or not, discuss with the Doc and go from there.
DS takes generic concerta. He is able to stay on task and move from one to the next without getting "distracted". Before meds, he would be in his bathroom for 30 minutes where he's supposed to go to the bathroom, shower, and brush teeth. I would check on him and he hadn't done any of it because he "forgot" or "got distracted".
His blurting has improved. We complete all homework and spelling words without him asking "how much longer/much more". He brings home all needed items from school ie water bottle, agenda, lunch bag. He's not lost any items this year.
We did forget his med one day. The teacher said DS was not the kid she'd known over the past 7 weeks. DS said that it was good to see how much the medication has helped him and he even reminded DH he needed to take it this weekend.
That's exactly what it is- drawing. It comes and goes, sometimes he doesn't think about it and he just writes and then no one can read his writing, including him. His mainstream teacher thinks we should wait until second grade to resort to assistive tech, while also acknowledging that his own inability to read his writing is alarming. She seems determined to keep trying. OT is using Handwriting Without Tears but have had to break down sessions into 15 minute increments due to the fatigue it brings him. We have had some success with his spelling words by using scrabble tiles. She isn't using them in class but it is useful for practicing at home.
Another Mom and I joke that Pack meetings should be renamed "Boys Running."