April 2015 Moms

Naming a baby is HARD!

lcportolcporto member
edited December 2014 in April 2015 Moms
I have always loved the name Lucy! Cecile is a family name on both sides and daddy wants to use it as the middle name.
Lucy Cecile. Not sure how I feel about that...suggestion?

Re: Naming a baby is HARD!

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    Haha sorry the whole thing didn't post. Newby
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    Most of the time you don't use the first and middle name together. I don't like the sound of it but you aren't going to call her by both all the time. So if they really mean a lot to both of you I wouldn't dismiss them immediately.
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    I like Lucia Cecile.
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    ^ Agree with PP. Both names are great...just not together. Sorry.
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    I like having a full name for Lucy, so when your daughter is a successful businesswoman her name doesn't sound like it belongs on a two year old. If you are willing to adjust the middle name, I like Lucille Cecily.
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    Also not a huge fan of the combo, what about Lucinda Cecille? Has better flow.
    Due with #5 April 22, 2015. It's a girl!!!!! 

     Yes it was planned, yes we know what causes that, no we are not on public assistance, and yes we will be getting cable after this. ;)



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    bowman958 said:
    I also like both names but not so much together. However, you'll rarely use both names and I really like using family names as middle names. If you're going to call her Lucy, I'd name her Lucy. I know a lot of people do it but I don't understand the whole name your child one thing but always call them something different.

    I like giving kids flexibility. I don't go by my full given name, and I got to choose that. I feel like giving kids cutesy given names leaves them with fewer options later in life, and this is especially true for girls' names. Maddie or Lulu may be cute on a 3.5 year old, but they are not cute on a 35 year old, so it's nice that they could choose to be called Madeleine or Lucia.
    I totally agree with this. I tried very consciously to choose names that fit a small child, as well as an adult. 
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