1. How many weeks are you?
2. How are you feeling?
3. Any dr. Appointments or updates?
4. Anything else exciting going on?
Qotw: What's your favorite baby shower game?
10 medicated IUI's (3 with injectables).
IUI #1 (medicated) Jan. 2013-BFP!!!!- Beta's didn't double, MTX shot for possible ectopic.
8 IUI's between April 13-April 14 = BFN
IUI #10 and final before IVF, injectables May 2014- BFP!!!! TWINS!!!!
7 week ultrasound showed 2 wonderful heartbeats!
8 weeks to the ER with vaginal bleeding while on vacations! Diagnosed SubChorionic Hemorrhage. Babies are both great.
9 week ultrasound showed both babies are still great.
Re: Pregnancy Check In Dec. 8th
2. Round...very round!
3. Failed 1 hr glucose and had to do 3 hr. Almost failed it, but didn't. Was told don't handle sugar well and to try and avoid it. Also say MfM last week. Boys are great. 3.4 and 3.7lbs each so far. They've slowed down growing but looked good. Still breach and traverse. Assuming they will stay that way as they have most of pregnancy.
4. Last baby shower was Sat. So great to hang out with all my friends! Some cute stuff. Start our weekly appointments today! 7.5 weeks remaining!!!
Qotw: balloon under shirt and try to tie your shoe!
2. How are you feeling? I am huge and uncomfortable. My blood pressure is holding steady and I am grateful to not be in the hospital but home bedrest is getting so boring.
3. Any Dr. Appointments or updates? My sono last week was great- cervix is holding steady after a huge shortening a few weeks ago. The babies are getting big! 4.2lbs and 4.8lbs and one is breach and the other transverse so we are going ahead with a csection. My OB and MFM are in a discussion to see how far they will let me go. The pre-e will obviously be the biggest factor but MFM says 36-37 weeks at most and OB says 38 weeks. Pretty sure my MFM will win this battle. I honestly think they will arrive before both of their dates!
4. Anything else exciting going on? Thank the Lord for online shopping- I got all my gifts ordered and wrapped already in case the babies thwart our Christmas plans I am ready!
Qotw: What's your favorite baby shower game? I don't love shower games to be honest. I guess the one where you put a melted candy bar in a diaper and pass it around and have to guess what it is is gross but entertaining
Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR, DH: normal
IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
- poor responder
***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
FET 5/20- BFP
1st Beta- 641
2nd beta- 2166
Sono- TWINS!!!!
Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks. Healthy and no NICU! So blessed!
Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR, DH: normal
IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
- poor responder
***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
FET 5/20- BFP
1st Beta- 641
2nd beta- 2166
Sono- TWINS!!!!
Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks. Healthy and no NICU! So blessed!
****siggy warning****
Me 29/ DH 28
DH- MFI (low count, 2-3% morph)
IUI #1 January - Clomid, Ovidrel: BFN
IUI #2 February - Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel: BFP 1st beta-25, 2nd beta-56, 3rd beta-45, miscarriage
IUI #3 April - CD3 U/S 4-10. Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel CD11 - Cancelled.. TI w/5 follicles-BFN
IUI #3.1 May - CD3 U/S 5-6, Follistim start 5-11 thru 5-17, u/s 5-18 3 mature w/ a close 4th, IUI 5-20 - BFP!
Beta #1 12dpo - 164 & progesterone - 89!, Beta #2 16 dpo - 1189, 5w3d - u/s shows TWINS!
6/19- u/s showed heartbeats! Baby A 111 & Baby B 118, both measuring 6w1d
7/3- Baby A hb 170, Baby B hb 166 - both measuring perfect.
7/18 - Baby A 165, Baby B 171 - both measuring right on track & moving all around!
Married to Lee since 9/2/2000
Momma to Hais November 2002 and Carter April 2010 (with use of fertility treatments)
Cancer Survivor
****siggy warning****
Me 29/ DH 28
DH- MFI (low count, 2-3% morph)
IUI #1 January - Clomid, Ovidrel: BFN
IUI #2 February - Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel: BFP 1st beta-25, 2nd beta-56, 3rd beta-45, miscarriage
IUI #3 April - CD3 U/S 4-10. Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel CD11 - Cancelled.. TI w/5 follicles-BFN
IUI #3.1 May - CD3 U/S 5-6, Follistim start 5-11 thru 5-17, u/s 5-18 3 mature w/ a close 4th, IUI 5-20 - BFP!
Beta #1 12dpo - 164 & progesterone - 89!, Beta #2 16 dpo - 1189, 5w3d - u/s shows TWINS!
6/19- u/s showed heartbeats! Baby A 111 & Baby B 118, both measuring 6w1d
7/3- Baby A hb 170, Baby B hb 166 - both measuring perfect.
7/18 - Baby A 165, Baby B 171 - both measuring right on track & moving all around!
2. How are you feeling? Done. Contracting every 5 min, tough to get through, horrible period like cramps that radiate to my back. My feet and legs are huge w/ edema & pitting.
3. Any dr. Appointments or updates? At dr now - just finished growth u/s:
A: 5lb1oz
B: 5lb
Great measurements!
4. Anything else exciting going on? Not much. Feeling like a ticking time bomb at this point.
Qotw: eh, I could take or leave the games..... Not a fan of being "center of attention".
2. So tired. I haven't really had this symptom, but it hit me like a ton of bricks the last couple of days.
3. Regular appt 12/16.
4. Just really happy to be here!
2. How are you feeling?
Fought a terrible cold last week, but feeling better now. Major round ligament pain making sleep difficult. Last night, I almost woke up in tears. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but between exhaustion, pain, and worrying that something could be wrong, it was tough. My doctor's office suggested some physical therapy if persists and yoga doesn't work. We will see what happens tonight.
3. Any dr. Appointments or updates?
OB check-up on 12/15. Anatomy scan on 12/29.
4. Anything else exciting going on?
Nope - just waiting for next appointments!
Qotw: What's your favorite baby shower game?
Played baby pictionary at one shower. A lot of fun to draw things like burp, gas, blow-out...
Hope everyone is doing well!!
2. How are you feeling? Frustrated since it is so hard to move and I can do so few things on my own. Ugh!! I am feeling a little better now that I am taking iron supplements and know that I have very low BP. It at least explains my dizziness at least!
3. Any dr. Appointments or updates? Our next appointment is on Friday and I think this is the only time we don't have an ultrasound. He gave us the option to do one, but I told him (my OB) that I wanted to follow whatever protocol he uses, so it was fine with me whatever he wants to do/not do. I think he just measures my uterus, listens to the babies on the doppler, monitors my weight and BP, etc. After that, we are seen in two more weeks.
4. Anything else exciting going on? I've packed my hospital bag for the most part, started adding things to the diaper bags when I think of it, have the carseats ready to go in the car, etc. The nursery has really come together. It isn't truly finished, but I don't think it will be really until we KNOW what all we need and where we want it in the middle of the night
Qotw: What's your favorite baby shower game? Duh, the game where I get to open all the gifts!! LOL!
20 weeks (tomorrow)
2. How are you feeling?
Achy, constantly. Pubic bone pain, hip pain, low back pain. Fourth pregnancy. My body just doesn't do pregnancy well. I always ache through my pregnancies.
3. Any dr. Appointments or updates?
Ultrasound and MFM appointment tomorrow.
4. Anything else exciting going on?
Excited to see family for Christmas.
Qotw: What's your favorite baby shower game?
I love all the shower games!
How many weeks? 35 (b/g twins)
How are you feeling? Pretty miserable if I'm honest... Im counting the days until my scheduled c-sec: 21!!!
Appointments/uppdates? My last apt went well, babies were 5lbs each at 34wks. No cervical changes this far. Next apt is Thur...
Anything else exciting? Not really, just enjoying the Christmas season and the tree being up. & I'm loving ALL the Christmas movies :-)
I don't have a favorite shower game. I've really only been to one shower that had games... :-/
How are you feeling? Fighting off a cold and exhausted
Any dr. Appointments or updates? Just had our final RE appt yesterday and all was well, our babies are growing big and dancing up a storm in there.
Anything else exciting going on? I put in my resignation at my job of nearly five years yesterday, it was so emotional. I'm really going to miss this place, but excited for my new opportunity.
Qotw: What's your favorite baby shower game? I'm not a fan of games at showers.