September 2014 Moms

Swaddle, rolling, sleeping issue

My 9 week old is already trying to roll back to stomach. It's almost like he's trying to rub/itch his face and ends up heaving his whole body over. His skin doesn't seem dry and I put lotion on it anyway but he still is after his face. I'm afraid to swaddle him but he totally can't sleep hands out yet because he attacks his face. They are totally sold out of zipadee zips and I don't know that the Merlin suit would solve the face issue. And he can't sleep on his tummy because he spits up every single time he's on his stomach.

Omg what do I do besides sit in the corner and cry?? He was sleeping 6-9 hour stretches but now we are lucky to get 1.5..... And I still have him swaddled. Any thoughts????
Mom of Boys!!

Baby #1 - 3 years old
Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

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