Sorry, couldn't wait until next week.
Christopher is THAT child at the doctor's office. Crying, wailing, kicking, throwing himself on the floor. Bottom line - he hates the doctor's office and appts. So imagine my joy at having to take him and his brother for flu shots yesterday. Little guy goes first - he hated it, screamed his little head off. So, DH picks him up and is carrying him as I take Chris and put him on the table. I'm speaking softly to him but he's wary. He sees the needle and bandaid and prep stuff on the tray and the nurse approaches and he looks at me really sad-like and says "no". I tell him to take off his shirt. He does and still says "no". Then I hold both his hands and the nurse does her thing. She's quick, bless her, and he jerks back just as she's done and the only thing he resists (but nowhere near to the extremes as before) is the bandaid. He then looks at the nurse and crying says "ok, bye bye!"
So yes, he cried, but it wasn't the colossal fight it usually is. All in all, my little man was very brave.
Re: Doctor's appt (brag)