
Breastmilk looking curdled, smells fine

I'm back to work, so I'm pumping for my daughter while she's at day care. Two days this week, I've noticed that her bottles of milk (after having been warmed at daycare) have clumps of what looks like curdled milk floating in it and sticking to the sides. The clumps were irregular and resembled cottage cheese - definitely not the normal separation you see when milk cools - and there was a clumpy film sticking to the inside of the bottle as well. The first time it happened the daycare had just warmed the bottle before I picked her up, so I caught it before she drank any of it, but today she had already drank most of the bottle! It doesn't smell rancid from what I can tell, but it looks wrong. The milk was refrigerated but not frozen beforehand, and warmed in a bottle warmer (warm water). Any thoughts on what could be causing this?

Re: Breastmilk looking curdled, smells fine

  • Totally normal. In fact, I notice the milk I pump first thing is more separated than the milk from later in the day. Just hit it with some warm water and swirl a few times. It will mix back in

    Also, it's normal to have a blue, or even greenish tint to it! I was freaked out when I first noticed that too!
    Cooper & Melody.     My Rescues <3

  • Melody330 said:
     Also, it's normal to have a blue, or even greenish tint to it! I was freaked out when I first noticed that too!
    It's normal  - it's the fat

    Also, I sometimes noticed BLUE tinge too - I thought maybe it was the light or reflection from what I was wearing!

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  • Just so you can see what I'm talking about, I've attached a picture. I know it's normal for it to separate, but should it look that clumpy? Normally when it separates in the fridge (for me) it looks smoother and is easy to incorporate again. This won't mix no matter what I do.
  • Are they only re heating it once? I've had that before. But after it had been sitting on the counter for who knows how long.
    If you knew better, you'd do better.
  • Also ask them if she drinks from those bottles and if it looks like that when they feed her. I can't imagine she could get any milk out of one of those clumps blocked the hole of the nipple.
    If you knew better, you'd do better.
  • It almost looks like they are overheating it, I never saw my milk look quite like that.
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  • I had one bottle look like that. It was the same situation, i picked ds up just as they heated the bottle but before he drank it. I poured it out when we got home. (And cried a little inside as i poured). No clue what causes it though.
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