May 2015 Moms

I just don't get people!

Ugh, everyone wants me to act "normal" and be happy and excited and thrilled about this baby, but when I mention anything baby related, I get shot down.  I mentioned to my husband, and word has gotten around, that if I have to give up my craft room for a nursery, I'd at least like it to be a Beatrix Potter theme.  I grew up on her books, and I have seen several nursery items featuring Peter Rabbit and her other characters.  I even have a lamp that would be perfect.

I have now heard things from "Is that really a good nursery theme?" to "What if the baby doesn't like that bunny?"  (That last gem being the mother-in-law's.)  If it wasn't a good nursery theme, I wouldn't have seen blankets and bassinets and wall hangings and all this other stuff.  There was a whole set at Goodwill once.  And I really doubt the kid's going to walk out twirling its umbilical cord like a cane and saying "Hey Ma, make sure you paint my nursery black with red butterflies, 'kay?"  (My other idea, but I've never even voiced that one to my husband.)

Sorry, just really needed to rant.  God, I wish people would make up their minds!


Re: I just don't get people!

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    maggiet19 said:
    My (step)MIL is from England and she has given DD a ton of Peter Rabbit items. To date, Peter Rabbit is STILL one of DD's favorite things. I think it is a fantastic, neutral nursery theme!
    Thank you.  That's what I was thinking, a nice neutral theme, and it could possibly grow with a child if they wound up liking it.  And, you know, I could actually find some of these things because I've seen a few in stores.
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    ramy3 said:
    Whether it's the nursery, the name, your parenting style, your kid's school, whatever, people are going to give you their unsolicited opinions. I just smile and nod. My kid, my decisions.
    I really try not to let it bother me, but I've been a big crybaby all week anyway, but I just don't get it.  
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    Whose the parent-to-be? You are.
    Screw what the rest of the world thinks, and do what you want.
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    shmeell25 said:
    This is why I don't really discuss these things with anyone but my husband and my own mother, who I am not afraid to tell to keep her opinions to herself. If MIL asks questions about our plans for (fill in the blank) I usually just say we're undecided and keep it at that. It leaves a lot less room for opinions. Plus, once you've already done something, such as name the baby once their born or already decorated the nursery, people are a lot more likely to keep their opinions to themselves.
    I generally don't discuss things with anyone except my husband.  He's the one telling everyone everything.
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    ramy3 said:

    Whether it's the nursery, the name, your parenting style, your kid's school, whatever, people are going to give you their unsolicited opinions. I just smile and nod. My kid, my decisions.

    Good idea! I'm going to try this.

    I love Beatrix potter stuff! I think it's a really cute idea! :) I use a Peter rabbit thermos for baby's bottles and food when we go out! I've gotten compliments. Sorry about the negativity - no one knows what their kid will like! I think it's a great theme.

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    I don't know why people are giving you unsolicited and critical advice. Who gives a crap what your nursery theme is? It has nothing to do with them. Do what you want and what will make you happiest. Tell them it's not really their business how you decorate your home.


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    Poppy715 said:
    I don't know why people are giving you unsolicited and critical advice. Who gives a crap what your nursery theme is? It has nothing to do with them. Do what you want and what will make you happiest. Tell them it's not really their business how you decorate your home.

    I don't even know if people will be going in there, honestly.  I know with my sister, during the day if anyone came to visit, she was either up with my mom, or asleep on her mat on the floor.  I don't recall anyone going in her room at any point other than my mom.

    It's just got me feeling like I can't win for losing, really.

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    Pottery barn baby has an adorable peter rabbit theme!
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    My DS's theme was Beatrix potter! Don't give in!!!!


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    Tell her you asked the internet, and the consensus is that she's wrong and beatrix potter is an awesome theme.

    (I kind of dig the black with red butterflies too)

    I might just have to do that!  :)  Thanks to you ladies, I've also seen pieces that i haven't seen around here, many of which look better.

    I know for sure she won't be taking me baby shopping.  The only person I will allow to take me is my husband.

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    IFinTN said:
    I think both the nursery theme and your Legend of Kora gif are awesome:)  I'm a super duper Last Avatar fan!!  In fact, that would make an awesome theme!!  Too bad we already decided on Dumbo.....
    Now that would be a theme!  
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    IFinTN said:
    OR, we switch to that theme when he gets older!
    This sounds better.  Less work!
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    edited December 2014
    Our theme is Totoro. We don't get a lot of comments on it because most people have no idea what we are talking about. :)

    Edited because bump is being bitchy.

    I LOVE the Beatrix Potter theme. Don't listen to the naysayers, that's classic, timeless, and so awesome.
    Favorite fall activity: roasting pumpkin seeds!

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    We as parents pick the theme before our babies are born, how can they like any theme? Also, kiddos really don't need a theme change until about 2 or 3 when they really develop a personality. It is not as if your LO will see the theme and cry in angst. haha...have fun with your theme whatever you decide.
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