Hello! Forgive me if this has been posted recently I didn't see it. Please report to this post if your Junebug doesn't have too many words. Please don't report to this post and say "we only have 35 words, so worried!"
How many words does your LO have?:
Are some of these words nonsense?:
What are you doing about this issue, if anything?:
Feel free to add some questions. I feel equal parts "oh he will just figure it out" and equal parts "why can't my baby talk?"
Re: Very few words - commiseration
I'm not doing anything nor am I concerned. Ds1 said 2 words until he was 2 and then overnight started talking in complete sentences like he was an adult. Now at 3 he speaks more eloquently than I do. Our pediatrician has always stressed that language comprehension is much more important than talking before their 2nd birthday.
I've never read that but it is actually so reassuring to think of it this way. He certaintly seems to know what we are talking about.
He can say ball, dada, cat, bird, shoot I think there are more but I'm spacing. He also has several "words" that mean the same thing FOR HIM but not for other English speaking people. Plus three signs. The doc said the "made up" words count as well as the signs so I guess that's good.
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That's all he says.
He babbles, and he understands if I ask where his brothers are, or the dog is, or to get his sippy. ..a diaper ect. ...
He loves to be read books, and to play with books. He sits down and "reads" *he just babbles stuff, * but he turns pages, points, and gets excited about it.
Lo says maybe 10, if I'm paying close attention but at least 7 just started this weekend- and I think it's about to pick up. He has been making lots of sounds for months and babbling. He often tries to "talk" in that he'll answer back with sounds, intonation and even (we have finally figured out) the correct amount of syllables for the words he is looking for. He just can't connect the sounds to the meanings yet.
I'm totally not worried though, his comprehension is awesome and he (if he choses to) can follow any directions. It's exactly what Marfa said- comprehension is far more important than language in terms of on track development at this stage.
Plus it's nice to play dumb that you can't understand what they are demanding for a few more months
Agreed!! You pop up out of no where and act like we need the lesson in etiquette.
I'm sorry my humor didn't translate. I feared if I wasn't 100% clear what I was asking people would just assume this was a "how many words?" poll and I would see a ton of responses all about the dozens of words other LOs have. That is pretty much the last thing I needed at the moment. Didn't mean to offend!
FWIW I post a bunch elsewhere and the standard line of thinking seems to be pursuing EI evaluations if LOs don't have 20+ words at 18 months so I feel grateful there are a bunch of you that aren't worried.
And I would love to post more here but I don't really click on the SPAM threads because they are long and I can't keep up. I'm KU again so I'm hoping to Bump more.
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Started TTC Nov. 2011
1st clomid cycle June 2012- No response :: HSG August 2012- Left tube blocked, right tube clear :: 2nd clomid cycle Aug. 2012 BFN :: 3rd clomid cycle Sept. 2012 :: BFP Sept 30th :: DS born 6/15/13 :: BFP #2 7/29/14 M/C 8/5/14 :: BFP#3 10/20/14 DD born 7/1/2015 :: Applied to be surrogate April '17 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for IFs Dec. '17 :: Surro Babe born 9/11/18 :: Started 2nd Journey May '19 :: Transferred 1 Embryo for new IFs 9/24/19 :: HB 138 at 6w6d