In her daily report yesterday DD's ABA told us that DD has made a friend in her classroom.
She and another little girl have become pals and play during free play and at recess (actual cooperative play according to him and not just parallel play).
He said DD and the other little girl play and one or the other always starts the day with a hug and a 'good morning' 'hi' to each other.
This is huge for DD, she has always been cool with peers but had no interest in interacting with them!
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Re: Wednesday Brags (12/3)
The playground is almost enclosed in a triangle. There are sidewalks with entrances/exits at each corner. I was of course afraid to let go of DS in fear of him running out into the parking lot but I told him to turn around at each corner while we waited for our play date to show.
Play date showed up and they played kick the ball. Play date is non-verbal and was about to go out of those entrances/exits and his poor mom was telling him to turn around from where we were sitting. He was not listening so I told DS to get play date to turn around. DS said "Come on, play date, let's go this way!" DS was awesome in helping! He did it a few times!
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
Good IEP meeting yesterday. DS's ST is sortof a joke- I had her explain her methods and she talked about how she pulls DS out with a nonverbal kindergartner (DS is in first grade, highly verbal) and they work on conversation. Really? So I respectfully requested she push in to the classroom and his awesome mainstream teacher immediately backed me up and said she had the perfect slot of time for DS to have some indirect speech services during choice time. SLP seemed annoyed, but she agreed. I think it's the first time I've challenged them, and I'm glad it went smoothly. His team all seems to be on the same page. Except for his MSW who is a putz and I kid you not kept farting audibly during the meeting. My 10 year old sense of humor could hardly keep a straight face.
Two week med check on Intuniv- reported back that there has been no change at all. Upping him to 2 and 3 mg to see what happens, if nothing we'll move on to SSRI's. Psych brought her therapy dog with her this time, omg DS is so smitten!