Was lurking the working mom check in and realized those of us who stay at home haven't had one in a while. How is every one doing? Any sort of schedules working well? Cheats to make house keeping easier? Any super easy lunches?
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
Re: SAHM check in
Right now our schedule is to get out of the house in the mornings and be home in the afternoon. C needs outings for all our sanities and Charlie catches naps in the carrier. Lunch around 11:30 and then family nap time. Charlie would still rather nap with me, and right now given that I also need the naps, that's OK. We watch far too much TV but I've been slowly cutting back and it's going well. Disney station on Pandora is a life saver.
My cheat for keeping your house clean is not have kids, but I suppose it's too late for that
Our current easy lunch is rolled up lunch meats. C loves it and I can eat it one handed while I feed Charlie with the other. Add some string cheese and fruit, maybe some crackers, and we're good to go.
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
I started meal planning, which has cut down on trips to the grocery store.
The toughest thing for us right now is the colder weather keeping us cooped up. The day goes so much faster when we can get out. I think I'm going to start going to museums with her. Also, DH is going out of town for work for three nights. Boo
@mmandm603 I am so not looking forward to crawling! I love that I can put her on the playmat and run to the bathroom or put dishes away!
Meals? What are those? I typically have smoothies because they are quick and easy and can be sipped in seconds. H and I have dinner once LO has gone to bed... So there's 1 meal.
@mmandm603 - I'm going to check out the Instagram. Lately I don't care about the way the house looks. Each room gets picked up at the end of the day and big cleaning happens once a week but maybe seeing the daily schedule will help.
The key for me is getting out of the house. If we don't I start to resent DH. I used to have a play date once a week with my BFF and her kids but she just had a baby last week so it will be a while before we can do them again. I might just go to zoo and aquarium by myself just to get out of the house.
I hated being stay at home mom at first but now I can't imagine it any other way.