Just curious how much help you ladies are getting from your H's and SO's. Also, would you like it to be different? Was your answer what you had agreed upon prekids? Feel free to brag/vent.
Egg Retrieval - Feb. 2013 -> OHSS. FET#1 - June 2013(failed). FET#2 - October 2013(success!)
Griffin Alistair: 6#10oz 20" long, born 6/19/14 @ 4:04am
How Much does your H/SO help out with child care and housework? 120 votes
He's Mister Mom...he does the majority.
We are a team...50/50 all the way.
He cheers me on from the sidelines/financial support.
You mean some actually HELP? I do everything.
Re: How Much does your H/SO help out with child care and housework?
He is my hero when it comes to emotional support since i've been a mess on and off ever since i got pregnant and he covers all our shared bills except for child care (i've been paying that myself but since DH's raise this month he will start paying it. I pay my car installment bills, and share with the household regular shopping and upkeep bills
God Bless You my Little One
Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
Farida, at 8 weeks
DH does all baby cares and house chores while I work, I do all baby cares while DH is working. He's a champ at changing diapers, feeding, laundry, dishes, etc. He doesn't like cooking though, and he doesn't clean the house unless I ask him to clean something specifically (like the stove). He does all the yardwork for the most part, so I don't mind picking up the house. We are pretty much 50/50.
I was really surprised by his willingness to jump in and really help out. He has never complained about changing a diaper or getting up with DS in the middle of the night. He's kind of a rockstar...he'll have a good Christmas prezzie this year
The kids are older now (nearly 6 and 7) and I would say the tides have shifted. 40 (me) - 60 (him).
The boys are at that age that they really love the same things that their dad will indulge them in (silly, noisy, farty, physical stuff especially) and since DH is borderline OCD, his housework never ends.
I knew this day would come, in my darkest hours with 2 under 2 I inherently understood that eventually the days of mommmmymommamamommy would come to an end and dad would be the preferred 'fun' parent.
It'll shift again but for now I'm enjoying the reprieve.
He does daycare drop off in the morning, but I do evenings all on my own as he doesnt get home until later. The evenings are obviously more difficult but I am not going to count that as me doing more. I am very curious on how everything looks when I stop work. I know more of the house work will shift to me, but I am curious if DH will go into work earlier and come home earlier otherwise when will he see DS? He says thats what he will do, but without fail he always gets stuck at work, so not sure how this is all going to play out. I will also need to come up with more of a "schedule" for house chores.
Well, here is my life story
It's changed over the years. DH has never helped much with the housework, cooking, errands. He did do most of the outdoor stuff.
When the kids were first born, we were both in residency. DH would leave for work about 5am, and I didn't leave until 7:30 or so, and I would use a lot of that time to do housework/childcare/meal prep. I did every daycare drop off and most of the pick ups since his hours were long and unpredictable. However, I did have call one week day every week and 1-2 weekend days/month, so he was on with the kids when I was gone. He didn't love it.
After about 2 years of that, I finished residency and got a PT job. By that point, I was doing just about everything around the house. I would leave once or twice a week in the evenings and force DH to do bathtime/bedtime. But by then, I don't think he was even eating dinner with us all that often. A lot of times, he wouldn't come with us to the zoo or anything even if he was home. He flat out told me that I needed to find a way to get things done on my own. He was making a ton of money though, so I hired someone to come 20 hours a week and do all of the laundry, cooking, and cleaning, which I think literally kept us from divorcing.
Then he had some health issues that forced him to quit his job, and he was a SAHD for about 2 years. That was great. I was able to pick up another PT job, so we kept our house and our housekeeper. He did all of the childcare while I was at work, and we split it pretty well when I was home. Both of us were comfortable doing all of the childcare tasks. I got pregnant with our fourth baby during that time. Unfortunately, he wasn't happy in that role.
Now, he is working out of state, training to do a different job that won't be as affected by his health problems. We still have our housekeeper 20 hours a week, and an aupair who watches the kids while I am working. However, I do all of the other childcare tasks. It's okay. We will be back together in another 6 months or so, and I am very excited about that. He really realized how important those relationships with his kids are. In the end, that's really all you've got. He has kind of gotten himself in this role out there of helping other dads (especially divorced dads) bond with their kids.
I'm sure the dynamic will shift continually, and especially over the next several months as we work out our system (I'm still on maternity leave at this point). I'll have to become more assertive in asking for assistance - as well as ensuring that it is received.
I voted 50/50, but we're really in between him helping 50/50 and being a cheerleader. He works 24 hour shifts 3 days a week, so I would say 80% of the childcare falls on me. He tries, but he just doesn't take the initiative to fix LO's dinner, give him a bath, help me get him ready in the morning. Its just easier if I do it.
As for housework, he does all the outside stuff. Inside work. I'll come home every once in a while to a spotless kitchen or bathroom, sometimes both. We used to have a rule, one cooks dinner and the other cleans up. That was in the dating days. He'll throw his laundry in the wash (rarely moves it to the dryer) if I haven't gotten to it and he's out of underwear.
Basically, housework goes through spurts. This post probably makes him sound lazy, but he really does work hard. He's always on the go, usually helping someone with something. I just wish sometimes I was the someone.
right now, DH does do the majority, probably 60-40. he is an awesome dad. he usually fixes DS's breakfast and gets him dressed, changes most diapers, and does the majority of the DC drop-offs/pickups. he's also with DS for a couple of hours each afternoon/evening before i get home at around 6:30-7. there have definitely been periods (particularly when DS was little) when i did more because of BFing, or because DS was going through i-only-want-mommy phases.
He does dinner for the kids 3 nights a week (usually reheating something I made, or something simple like pasta and veggies. Sometimes he cleans up after, sometimes not. He does baths for the kids every night, and we tag team bed time. I do 95% of the cooking. He'll help out if we're roasting something or grilling, and in those cases, I do all sides. We split clean up.
But he does not seem to see clutter until ZOMG HE CAN'T STAND IT and then he throws everything away - no matter who it belongs to. Usually it's fine, sometimes it results in an argument. Same with dirt. I clean when I have the energy to do so. So no set schedule, and it's fairly frequent, but not every day.
BFP #1 6/28/11 ~ EDD 3/7/12 ~ m/c 7/15/11 at 6w2d
BFP #2 8/29/11 ~ EDD 5/12/12. 4/25/12: Our take home baby is here!
BFP #3 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/11/14. 4/27/14: Our second take home baby is here!
Edited to add: I HATE cleaning and most of it is done by nanny/housekeeper but my DH is much more OCD so he will clean whereas I am more forgiving