Working Moms

Burn out...job change?

So, I'm a nurse on a really busy Peds unit and I LOVE my job. I do.  However, the pace, schedule, and stress are getting to me.  Since having DS, I just want a little more predictability and stability in my career.  I absolutely love being a nurse, but I'm debating on switching to outpatient or clinic work...maybe a birthing center or something.  Anyone else feel like they have wanted to step down from a dream job to enjoy LO's childhood more?  I'd be taking a significant pay cut more than likely, but would it be worth it?  Thoughts? Experience?
Egg Retrieval - Feb. 2013 -> OHSS.  FET#1 - June 2013(failed). FET#2 - October 2013(success!) Griffin Alistair: 6#10oz 20" long, born 6/19/14 @ 4:04am

Re: Burn out...job change?

  • I did this! Totally different field and way less life or death than nursing, but the people there treated it as such. I loved that job. Loved the people, loved the work, and is been doing it for 8 years so I had some status. It was also an extremely rare position so I knew that if I left I'd never get anything like it back.

    The downsides were unpredictable long hours. High stress. Tons of responsibility, with my boss likely to overturn anything I said without warning. I missed my daughters first steps (I was at a Sunday afternoon work event). And the last straw was a day I spent in crisis mgmt at work, only to run to DC, pick up kiddo, drop her at home, and run back to work. So I could stand outside for 3 hours IN CASE something happened.

    So a year ago, I got a new job. In January we picked up and moved across the country for a much more contained, sedate job in a related field.

    I would definitely make the same choice again. I miss the excitement of the work and my coworkers. I love my regular hours and my new coworkers are good people too. The job is insanely flexible and I didn't take a pay cut. From time to time I get bored and start to look for new jobs but then remember why I took this in the first place.

    There's trade offs either way. Good luck with whatever you decide
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  • Could you go part time or PRN? I did last year (RN as well) and the difference between working 2 shifts/week vs 3 is night and day. So much less stress. 

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  • My sister had a job similar to yours.  She had experience in Peds, but just before she started her family, she'd transitioned into a Level 1 NICU unit.  She loved it, and she was excellent at it, but the pace was tough, and the overnights were impossible when her DH was traveling.  She took a great job in a pediatric day surgery unit.  Same hospital, so she maintained her seniority, but predictable, day-only shifts.  Does your current hospital have any options like this?

    I'm not in the same field, but have been thinking more and more along these lines.  The stress, drama, and politics of my current job are killing me.  I miss my kids.  I was trying to wait until the kids were a bit older to take a step back, but I don't think I can.

  • I'm not in the same field, but have been thinking more and more along these lines.  The stress, drama, and politics of my current job are killing me.  I miss my kids.  I was trying to wait until the kids were a bit older to take a step back, but I don't think I can.
    This is exactly where I am at. I have been in the same job for 10 years, and over all have always likely my job. But the specs are starting to change,  I am expected to do more with less, my days are long and stressful and I cant stand the management team taking over. I always thought I would stay working until my first was in school full days..but its just not going to happen. Neither DH nor I can handle it. We have 0 balance.

    That being said, I always say if I could do it over again I would become a nurse because there are just so many options out there. My best friend worked in pediatric oncology for 5 years as an NP, then switched to a 9-5 job at an outpatient center. 2 kids later she has cut back to part time  (3 days a week at the same office) and she couldnt be happier. She feels so much of a burden lifted, and she gets the best of both worlds.
  • Agreed, I absolutely love the flexibility that nursing allows. I talked to DH about dropping to 60% (2 shifts/week) and he doesn't want me to do that until he gets a better paying job (he's looking).  After talking with him though, he fully supports me changing jobs to something a little more chill.  I decided to apply for a couple postpartum spots in a lower-acuity hospital (cushe) and an outpatient IVF clinic at the hospital I'm at currently (keep seniority).  I think this will be a good move, as much as I'll miss my coworkers - most of my friends there are leaving in the next year anyways.
    Egg Retrieval - Feb. 2013 -> OHSS.  FET#1 - June 2013(failed). FET#2 - October 2013(success!) Griffin Alistair: 6#10oz 20" long, born 6/19/14 @ 4:04am
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