We are collecting money for the classroom teacher. We have been asked by the room mom for ideas on what to do with that money. We will have almost $200 to spend for Christmas and birthday. Any ideas on what to get for her? It seems like a lot of money and we can be more creative than "gift cards." Throwing it out there to see if I can get any ideas. :-) TIA
Anyone can be cool, but awesome takes practice!
Re: Teacher Gift
Seriously though, unless you really know her and her interests, just stick to gift cards.
Unless you're in a state that the Credit Card gift cards cannot have "service fees or expirations" - I'd avoid those. I'm also "team gift card"... Otherwise - If you want to be more creative since that's a reasonable amount to work with: Green backs in the shape of a Christmas Tree (gather in the middle, wrap a piece of floral wire around each $ and stick into a tree-shaped floral foam to make the respective "branches", then put a piece of fabric around the base as a tree skirt would probably be a creative way to give her a gift too (wrapped in a box so that she can carry it out of the building safely) because that'd be a creative way to use at least $190 of it so she gets the maximum gift possible. AND you know that 98% of the gift would be used exactly where her needs are (since there'd be a little for the cost of supplies taken out)..
I was going to give DD's teacher a box of fruit from an FFA Fundraiser a friend's school is selling (one step removed from the "Jelly of the Month Club" I know, but it's REALLY good quality fruit and if she doesn't like it she can give it away when she goes to her family's Christmas)... I'm out of creative ideas this year for her teacher but absolutely hate doing gift cards for anyone...