New Hampshire Babies


How far in advance should/did you start looking and calling daycare places? In some areas of the country you have to be on a waitlist once you start trying while others you can call up anytime. Also any suggestions for must ask questions or information that was make or break for the center of your choice?

Re: Daycare

  • I suggest definitely going for a visit and making sure you are able to either walk into the classrooms or see the classrooms from the hallway.  That will give you a sense.  I go based on gut instinct a lot and tell everyone to follow it, especially when your child is involved.  I am not sure when you are due but I would start calling soon and getting your name out there, some have waitlists, some do not.  Honestly with State of NH Licensing being a baseline, I would really be looking for a center that has the PLUS certification or NAEYC accreditation as they have higher standards that are to be met for quality care but that is a personal preference of my own.  I would want to make sure that the teachers will be willing to listen to my preferences such as breastfeeding/formula; pacifier/no pacifier; table food/no table food.  With our daughter when she was an infant I exclusively breastfed until she was 6 months old and I was adamant about that, even though every day I was told it was time to give her table food.  I continued to state my feelings about it and my opinion of it not being important to us at that time in her life.  I know someone else who was adamant on not using a pacifier and was given a very hard time in another care situation.  I would look for somewhere where the staff is knowledgeable of family relationships and communication because your opinion and thoughts on your child are the end all, be all and if a center can't get behind that then you are going to be in constant tension or wondering if you can truly trust your center.  With the push for children to be on the floor and a push for tummy time, I would not want an infant room to have rows of swings, exersaucers, etc.  I would want to see that they allow children the amount of time necessary on the floor to develop their muscles and skills in developmentally appropriate ways. 

    Books to read in 2015: 9/60
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