Special Needs

Self Care Monday

Last week's challenge was to 'just say no.'  That is, say no to something so that you won't have so much on your plate in the coming month of holiday madness.  Did you do it?

What else did you do for self-care this week?

What is your favorite activity when you are feeling stressed / down?

This week's challenge:  Choose to 'be in the moment' this week.  Play with your child and don't think about your to-do list.  Have a date night and don't worry about how the children are doing.  Grab a cup of coffee and read, without regard for the outside world.  It doesn't matter how or when, or how much you do it - just 'be in the moment' at least once this week.
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Re: Self Care Monday

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    I did not say no.  I said yes.  And, now I am immersed in work - which I love - but that times up much of my time and takes me away from home.  So, in short, I failed last week's challenge.

    As for other self-care - in the middle of a really terrible day yesterday, I was able to spend two hours in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, listening to Christmas Music.  It was really nice.

    My go-to activities for when I am stressed / down - Play a game with friends, take a shower, nap, go for a meaningless drive (while blasting music), connect with nature in some way.
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    I said no to leaving the house to go shopping. I had a stomach virus on Thanksgiving Day. DH really wanted me to go Black Friday shopping with him, but I was still nauseous so I stayed home and hit up online deals from bed while he took DS with him.

    Favorite activity when stressed: Reading, taking a shower, painting and other crafty things.
    DS 10/2012
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    I'm saying "yes" for the next two weeks as it is all a sprint to the "finish line" of Christmas. School parties, den meetings, pack meetings, IEP meetings, and gearing up for the start of my "busy" season at work which begins after Christmas. BUT- a coworker asked me if I was taking time off for Christmas. I said no, because we aren't traveling and I'm busy. He reminded me that half of the office would be out all week, and I started thinking that it did make sense to slow down for a bit and spend some quality time with DS over the holidays. He'll be out of school anyway, and he is pretty "meh" about his release day care site. And I'll save $50/day, which will pay for some Christmas presents. So, I just might do that.
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    I did say no to another baby even though I do wander off to wanting one with DH. DH has made it very clear to me that he does not want another baby due to being expensive and the fear of having another with ASD.

    MIL and her sister(Aunt) were asking us about having another baby on Wednesday. They got DS to ask for another baby sibling. Thanksgiving, MIL pressed and I told DH "You told me no." I am still irritated.

    For self-care, DS and I went on a play date with an old classmate from DS's class last year in preschool. They just moved to our apartment complex and we decided to meet up at the playground. Classmate's mom was in our ASD support group so I chatted her up some. It was fun for a good hour and I am glad we went as anti-social as I am.

    When I am stressed I watch movies on Netflix or play games on my Ipad.

    I already did this week's challenge but I will share next week if I remember. DS and I had fun!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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