TTC After a Loss

♡♡♡April Mommas Check in 12/1♡♡♡

rubysirubysi member
edited December 2014 in TTC After a Loss
Hello my lovelies,

This is a check-in for anyone with a loss or EDD in April. Join us and tell us a bit about yourself.  Wow it is December already where has this year gone?
April Mommas: 
@sunflwra4/2/14 Baby boy~ 
@betapanda 4/4/15~
@MrsWiseone 4/9/14~ 
@crimpgirl 4/14/15
@scoutmaxwell 4/22/15~
@firefly143 4/25/15~
@megrae12 4/27/14~
@tay1019 4/30/15~
If you become a graduate please PM me! I try to check PgAL, but don't always catch every announcement. 

QOTW : We have more holidays coming how do you like to spend them?

Hugs for everyone!

            ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***

Re: ♡♡♡April Mommas Check in 12/1♡♡♡

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    My update : I had my first iui on Saturday. So now I am in the tortuous 2ww with my exaggerated trigger induced symptoms. Love the wack-ass dreams. We finally had our family Thanksgiving meal yesterday and it was awesome. We have been spending holidays with dh's parents for the last few years but this year we spent it with some of his extended family too. I miss large family gatherings. My family as basically dispersed to spouse families and I haven't spent a holiday with them since 2000.

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    My loss was on April 25 and I'm still in denial about how hard it is to get pg. I'm doing OK, just got my period 2 days ago. I swear every month when PMS happens, I think I'm pg. But then it comes and I'm SO let down. It is what it is I guess. I'll just keep hoping. Thinking of asking for meds to help now.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie - (YMDN)

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    My loss was on April 25 and I'm still in denial about how hard it is to get pg. I'm doing OK, just got my period 2 days ago. I swear every month when PMS happens, I think I'm pg. But then it comes and I'm SO let down. It is what it is I guess. I'll just keep hoping. Thinking of asking for meds to help now.
    Welcome. CD 1 is always a disappointment. I am sure you and your Dr can come up with a good plan for you. Have you done any testing for or your so? I have started to protect myself by deciding my cycle has failed shortly after ovulation. When cd 1 comes I have some alcohol and stay hopeful for my cycle until ovulation. It is probably not healthy but it works for me.

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    crimpgirl said:
    @rubysi fingers crossed for you :) Sorry the dreams are crazy! Glad you had a good thanksgiving !!! I had my blood taken last week and go for follow up and a pelvic exam tomorrow. Hoping my doc has some answers. So glad she's back! Also hoping she puts my exercise back up. This is our first Christmas post loss and I'm not really excited. We're going to spend lots of time with hubby's family, they're sweet people. Nervous to see people we haven't seen since the wedding who may ask when we're having kids.
    I hope the dr has some answer's for you and that you can resume your exercise. Exercise is a great distraction. I always hated being asked about my plans for children even when we were not trying. I hope they avoid that line of questioning and you can enjoy the holiday.

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    Thanks mama. Is it too early for a drink now? ;) I've done some testing and everything seems fine. I think my AMA has something to do with it... Ugh my eggs are getting old. :)
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie - (YMDN)

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    Thanks mama. Is it too early for a drink now? ;) I've done some testing and everything seems fine. I think my AMA has something to do with it... Ugh my eggs are getting old. :)
    I also have "mature" eggs. This is what the RE tells me. She has me taking letrozole for super ovulation. So far it has not been that super. I have a couple more weeks before my drink (I try to be good). We have an AMA check in if you want to join us.

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    Hello everyone, I'm new but thought I'd introduce myself. DH and I were lucky enough to find out we were expecting very quickly. We were both extremely excited, as well as out families. I suffered a MC at 10 weeks, it's been hard but I'm so grateful we were able to see our baby and hear the heartbeat, it's good to be able to look at the US. We are ready to try again. I had the MC Sept 6, 1st cycle OCt 16 & am now late for the 2nd cycle but keep getting BFN. Can't get into the dr until mid Feb, I guess we just have to wait. :/ Our Angel would have been due 4/4/15, we're planning on taking a small vacation to just be together and remember how incredibly happy our baby made us, even for the short time he was with us.
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    Welcome. We took a little vacation after our loss it was really nice to get away and spend some time together.

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    Hello my lovelies!! Thanks for the check in, Ruby!

    @rubysi How are you feeling after you IUI? I hope the 2ww goes by fast. I have my FX for you, love!!
    @rosesarepink Welcome and I am sorry for you loss. Have been seen by an RE? If you are going to the go the med route, you need to be under their care. OBs are great at keeping you pg and delivering, but REs specialize in getting you pg. Has your H had an SA? 
    @crimpgirl Hope all goes well for your pelvic exam!! Christmas is hard, take some time for yourself if you can. 
    @betapanda I am very sorry for your loss. Welcome to the check in. Make sure you intro on the main board so everyone can get to know you. ((hugs))

    AFM: Just cruising along in my 2ww! Yup, I O'd all on my own and I am super happy about it!! We had craptastic timing, but I don't care. I am just happy I O'd!! Aside from sore BBs from hell, I am ok. I dunno if I will test early or not, the jury is still out on that. 

    QOTW: H and I travel like crazy people during Christmas. We literally travel the length of our state as his family is in the north part and mine in the south. We also usually end up North of ATL and possibly Tenn as well. It's a crazy hot mess. My ideal way to spend the holidays would be to be at home and have people come see us for a change. Right now, that is a pipe dream. 
    Multiple TTCAL 1IF 3
    DX: stage 2 Endo 2012, PCOS 7/2/14,  HSG 6/11/14, Lefty open!!
    BFP#1, EDD: 4/27/14, Missed EP confirmed: 9/23/13, R tube removal: 9/25/13 
    Clomid/TI #1=BFN, 
    Clomid/TI#2=BFN, Clomid/TI #3=CP
    BFP #2 CP, EDD 7/12/15
    On a treatment break: 2 natural cycles. Saving money, sigh*

    Goodbye my sweet babies. We miss you so much
    All Welcome

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    crimpgirl said:
    @betapanda‌ we randomly had a vacation scheduled already just after our loss. It did help to get away from life for a bit. @rubysi so af finally came! Of course it would happen the night before I had to go in for the exam. I am starting to wonder if the exercise cut back helped? It was the same time frame.
    Congrats on the af. Exercise can be a prohibiter. 

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    megrae12 said:
    Hello my lovelies!! Thanks for the check in, Ruby!

    @rubysi How are you feeling after you IUI? I hope the 2ww goes by fast. I have my FX for you, love!!
    @rosesarepink Welcome and I am sorry for you loss. Have been seen by an RE? If you are going to the go the med route, you need to be under their care. OBs are great at keeping you pg and delivering, but REs specialize in getting you pg. Has your H had an SA? 
    @crimpgirl Hope all goes well for your pelvic exam!! Christmas is hard, take some time for yourself if you can. 
    @betapanda I am very sorry for your loss. Welcome to the check in. Make sure you intro on the main board so everyone can get to know you. ((hugs))

    AFM: Just cruising along in my 2ww! Yup, I O'd all on my own and I am super happy about it!! We had craptastic timing, but I don't care. I am just happy I O'd!! Aside from sore BBs from hell, I am ok. I dunno if I will test early or not, the jury is still out on that. 

    QOTW: H and I travel like crazy people during Christmas. We literally travel the length of our state as his family is in the north part and mine in the south. We also usually end up North of ATL and possibly Tenn as well. It's a crazy hot mess. My ideal way to spend the holidays would be to be at home and have people come see us for a change. Right now, that is a pipe dream. 
    Yay for O'ing on your own, boo for "craptastic" timing.  Looks like you have a very crazy Christmas adventure ahead of you...stay safe.

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    Hello ladies sorry I'm late to the party! Finally Od but a week late so I'm just waiting for af to confirm another cycle of failure. Overall in a swell mood. Hubs has all day off tomorrow since we have his work holiday party tomorrow night. Look forward to a night on the oceanfront. Saturday we will be taking a drive down the boardwalk to enjoy the ocean themed Christmas light display.
    QOTW: I come from a big southern family so I'm used to lots of food, football and family time. However we have suffered a lot of losses the last couple years so everyone but me has decided they are too sad to celebrate. So hubs and I will not be traveling to see any family this year instead we will do all the traditions we were raised on and start a few of our own!

    Me:21 Hubs:23

    Married 5/19/12

    BFP#1: 6/6/12 EDD: 2/8/13 DS: 2/11/13

    BFP#2: 8/18/14  EDD: 4/25/15 MC: 5wks 5days

    Holding out hope our firefly will light up our world again!



    January TTCAL Siggy Challenge 


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    Hello ladies sorry I'm late to the party! Finally Od but a week late so I'm just waiting for af to confirm another cycle of failure. Overall in a swell mood. Hubs has all day off tomorrow since we have his work holiday party tomorrow night. Look forward to a night on the oceanfront. Saturday we will be taking a drive down the boardwalk to enjoy the ocean themed Christmas light display. QOTW: I come from a big southern family so I'm used to lots of food, football and family time. However we have suffered a lot of losses the last couple years so everyone but me has decided they are too sad to celebrate. So hubs and I will not be traveling to see any family this year instead we will do all the traditions we were raised on and start a few of our own!
    I am so sorry about your cycle. ((Hugs))Tomorrow sounds like fun. We are planning to go to the zoo lights in the next couple of days. 

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    The christmas party was fun. The food was amazing(I'm pretty sure I ate my weight worth of food) and we won a $25 gas card. Christmas lights were delayed until tomorrow since it started raining today. So glad we are enjoying the holidays together this year.

    Me:21 Hubs:23

    Married 5/19/12

    BFP#1: 6/6/12 EDD: 2/8/13 DS: 2/11/13

    BFP#2: 8/18/14  EDD: 4/25/15 MC: 5wks 5days

    Holding out hope our firefly will light up our world again!



    January TTCAL Siggy Challenge 


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    Hey ladies!
    I also had a miscarriage in sep 25th. One question... your not allowed to exercise after the miscarriage? I have been exercising and the doctor at the hospital didn't warn me about exercising. Thanks for an answer :)
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    The christmas party was fun. The food was amazing(I'm pretty sure I ate my weight worth of food) and we won a $25 gas card. Christmas lights were delayed until tomorrow since it started raining today. So glad we are enjoying the holidays together this year.
    That sounds like a great time.

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    Hey ladies! I also had a miscarriage in sep 25th. One question... your not allowed to exercise after the miscarriage? I have been exercising and the doctor at the hospital didn't warn me about exercising. Thanks for an answer :)
    Welcome. I think @crimpgirl answered your question. Moderate exercise is usually fine but definitely talk to your Dr about this.

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
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    @crimpgirl‌ @rubysi‌ thank you for answering, i don't exercise so much but i try to do some cardio and weighs a couple of times a week. Not super intense. I don't have a doctor i was referring to the doctor at the hospital that took care of me when i was miscarrying.
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