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Editing Software

Hi all - First off, I guess I should introduce myself...I am a FTM, DD was born this past June. I am definitely an amateur photographer but am wanting to get into it a bit more seriously...possibly grow it into a part time business.

I would like to purchase some editing software. I do not need nor can I afford professional grade software. I would like to spend $100-$200...any recommendations for editing programs that are worthwhile at my price point? TIA

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Re: Editing Software

  • I love Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. I think it's under $200 and you can download a 30-day free trial from Adobe. If you are a student you can even get it for $100 or less.
  • I also love LR. It's pretty easy to get the hang of. I use PS Elements as well, but only very rarely. 
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  • I don't use PS Elements, but have heard great things about it for someone who doesn't need the full PS or creative suite.  It's right around $100, unless you find it on sale.
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  • If you are just looking for basics you can use pic monkey. It's a free online website. Has some pretty decent stuff to use
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