I'm freaking the F out. I was changing LO for bed and I noticed a shiny object in his poop. It's a little metal screw with a sharp end. I pulled it out and called the doctor. The nurse said as long as it's not accompanied by blood and LO is acting normal there is nothing to worry about. She said she had patients swallow safety pins and staples without a problem. She said to go to the ER right away if LO begins vomiting or has blood in his stool.
I feel like the worst mom ever because I have no idea when this happened or where the it came from.


Re: Apparently LO ate a metal screw
38 y.o. w/PCOS
August Siggy Challenge-Rainbows & Unicorns
March 10, 2014 - G was born
You're not a bad mom. It could happen to anyone.
Mom to Lily and Colin!
Not your fault. You may not solve the mystery.
The reason I thought of toy screws is because a week or two ago I was picking up and dropped a small airplane toy. DS dove over and bumped me and his sister and when I looked down, he was pinning his hands over the watch batteries, battery cover, and tiny screw. When I dropped it the plastic craxked and the parts fell into her lap. Can you imagine if she ate those batteries?
But, not my fault. This isn't yours. You can watch them and be right there and not notice a tiny screw that went into his mouth. I mentioned the battery doors to prevent one from opening, not to send you on a housewide hunt.