My pedi thought he saw his right eye wandering. He suggested we go to an ophthalmologist. She didn't see the wandering eye, but did a full exam, and said he was "quite farsighted".
So, I'll answer the next do they know if the child can't talk? The Dr dilated his eyes, and watched the eye muscles as she put different strength lenses in front of his eyes. If you've ever had an eye exam, this is where they ask "which one is better? Number 1 or number 2?". When the eye muscle stabilizes, that's the strength needed. All babies are a little farsighted....he's just a little more than your avg baby. Everyone keeps telling me his script isn't that strong....but OMG it looks pretty strong when I look through his glasses!!
I have to say....I never saw any warning signs. He plays, he made eye contact, he reacted appropriately to facial expressions....he feeds himself. I think if my pedi hadn't sent us, we likely wouldn't have known until he was much older.
He's totally adorable. How are you doing with actually keeping them on his face? LO and I battle over his sunglasses every single day.
He actually keeps them on really well. Besides the fact that they have a strap around the back of his head....I was told babies typically do pretty well keeping them on because they learn quickly that if they wear them, they can see! That makes me sad thinking that for awhile he couldn't see
Re: Sorry to be an AW but....
Aaand then we found out he needed real ones. DD2 was all "can't he just wear his halloween glasses?" Haha
Can I ask how you found out he needed glasses?
So, I'll answer the next do they know if the child can't talk?
The Dr dilated his eyes, and watched the eye muscles as she put different strength lenses in front of his eyes. If you've ever had an eye exam, this is where they ask "which one is better? Number 1 or number 2?".
When the eye muscle stabilizes, that's the strength needed.
All babies are a little farsighted....he's just a little more than your avg baby. Everyone keeps telling me his script isn't that strong....but OMG it looks pretty strong when I look through his glasses!!
I have to say....I never saw any warning signs. He plays, he made eye contact, he reacted appropriately to facial expressions....he feeds himself.
I think if my pedi hadn't sent us, we likely wouldn't have known until he was much older.
38 y.o. w/PCOS
August Siggy Challenge-Rainbows & Unicorns
March 10, 2014 - G was born
That makes me sad thinking that for awhile he couldn't see