February 2014 Moms

Sorry to be an AW but....

I have to. B got his glasses today and I can't handle his cuteness.

Re: Sorry to be an AW but....

  • Right??? It's too much...even for me!
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  • This seriously just made my day so much better. So stinking cute!!!! :x
  • Ahhhh!!! He is so cute I can't stand it!!!!




  • He is SO CUTE!

    Can I ask how you found out he needed glasses?

    image image
  • Cutie pie!
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  • So cute! Thanks for sharing!
    formerly skoczera
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  • So adorable!
  • He's totally adorable. How are you doing with actually keeping them on his face? LO and I battle over his sunglasses every single day.
    F14 Siggy Challenge
  • He's totally adorable. How are you doing with actually keeping them on his face? LO and I battle over his sunglasses every single day.

    He actually keeps them on really well. Besides the fact that they have a strap around the back of his head....I was told babies typically do pretty well keeping them on because they learn quickly that if they wear them, they can see!
    That makes me sad thinking that for awhile he couldn't see :(

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