Cloth Diapering

***Do You Like Ketchup?***

stoneycakesstoneycakes member
edited November 2014 in Cloth Diapering

***Do You Like Ketchup?*** 61 votes

Yes, I am TJnumbers and/or Meesh
3% 2 votes
Yes. I love it!
44% 27 votes
I couldn't care one way or the other.
29% 18 votes
I don't know what you're talking about. Do you mean catsup?
0% 0 votes
I hate it.
16% 10 votes
I've never tried it.
0% 0 votes
6% 4 votes

Re: ***Do You Like Ketchup?***

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    I had to do SS on my own poll because I forgot to add an "I like homemade ketchup" option. Boo.
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    I don't like any condiment aside from butter and gravy. And yes, gravy is a condiment.
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    I like it (except when I'm playing catch up) but the only time I claim to "love" it is when it has fish sticks in it.

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    Mapleme said:
    Not being able to eat sugar means that I had to learn to like ketchup alternatives. Then I found Agave sweetened ketchup (yay!). Then my baby developed screaming gas pains from me eating tomatoes (boo). I love mustard (yay!)

    I am looking forward ro a ham sandwich with spicy mustard. I hope the in-laws got a ham.
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    I'm a SS. I can eat ketchup on french fries sometimes, and it's okay mixed with mustard on a hamburger, but all other times it grosses me out. And I freak out if it touches anything besides the inside of my mouth. I want to cry if I get it on my hands. I really just don't like stuff on my stuff...
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    mmm. I love ketchup on eggs and ham! (and burgers and fries of course)
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    I'll eat it on my homefries and maybe a burger, but nothing else. Malt vinegar and/or mustard belongs on fries.

    I have an aunt who puts it on her steak. That's just wrong.
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    I don't hate ketchup, but I can absolutely live without it. The best thing for dipping fries is ranch. Mmmmm.


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    I don't hate ketchup, but I can absolutely live without it. The best thing for dipping fries is ranch. Mmmmm.

    I started dipping fries into ranch back in the 1990s when people still thought it was weird and you could only get ranch if you bought chicken nuggets at fast food places. So the ranch lover in me is happy that ranch is just as accepted as ketchup for dipping fries by the general population.

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