Cloth Diapering

My starter stash- could use advice/critique!

Hi ladies,

I was able to score a massive Craigslist lot of diapers. I'm wondering what else I should be on the lookout for on Black Friday or used in the upcoming months. I am expecting my first in May!

Things I now have:
21 orange edge GMD prefolds
12 brown edge GMD prefolds (obviously will use for changing pads or whatever for a long time until they fit)
3 white edge GMD prefolds (I guess I'll use these as doublers?)
11 Baby Greens fitteds - I think these are sized?
4 BumGenius 4.0s
4 small SposoEasy AIOs
30 cloth wipes
3 Snappis
1 set GMD pins
1 package of Bummis bio liners
I random fitted - I think it's a MotherEase?
1 cover that I think is a swim cover? Brand is ImseVimse

Things I know I need:
newborn covers
More wipes
Wet bags and pail liners
Some kind of cream

What else? What am I missing to make the newborn period work, and what should I start stocking up on for after that?

THANK YOU! picture of my loot below.
Favorite fall activity: roasting pumpkin seeds!


Re: My starter stash- could use advice/critique!

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    We love GMD workhorses for the newborn phase. :) The newborn simplex and kawaii pure and natural have been great too. As far as covers go- I have liked Sweet Peas newborn covers best (esp for when they are really small, and thirsties size one next.
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