February 2014 Moms

SAHM Check-in 11/25

What were your successes this week?

What was your biggest challenge or struggle this week?

What helped save your sanity?

Topic for the week: Many of us spend a lot of time on TB and IRL doubting ourselves.  What is something you are doing RIGHT?

GTKY:  What is something from your childhood that you are sad your LO won't have?

Feel free to bring up any other thoughts, feelings, or concerns you are having.  


F'14 October Siggy Challenge: Animals in Costumes


Re: SAHM Check-in 11/25

  • What were your successes this week?

    Made a new mom friend.

    What was your biggest challenge or struggle this week?

    Sleep regression over the last 2 and a half weeks..  Biting.  Whining/clinging

    What helped save your sanity?

    DH!  The worst 2 nights of LO's sleep problems were both Fridays, so H took have the wake ups.  He even got up on a weeknight without being asked because he knew how tired I am.  Then on Saturday he took LO to his parents house.  I caught up on laundry. went for a pedi, and then sat around reading.

    Topic for the week: Many of us spend a lot of time on TB and IRL doubting ourselves.  What is something you are doing RIGHT?

    I'm trying to be positive and encouraging at all times. 

    GTKY:  What is something from your childhood that you are sad your LO won't have?

    A large family.  I am 1 of 5 and while it wasn't always perfect, I think overall it was a great experience.  LO is likely to be an only.

    Mr. Rogers.

    Feel free to bring up any other thoughts, feelings, or concerns you are having.

    We are leaving LO with the teenager from down the street for the first time tonight.  Hold me?  It occurred to DH and I that she had more baby experience than the friends we left him with for the wedding last week so why not give her a chance.    I'm looking forward to a dinner out, but am just a little nervous.


    F'14 October Siggy Challenge: Animals in Costumes

  • What were your successes this week?

    Getting the house ready to host for Thanksgiving and the night before. We also painted my pantry door in the kitchen red, so that should help the blandness of my kitchen. :) 

    What was your biggest challenge or struggle this week?

    Same with you Meghan14, clinging has been awful! We try our best to distract with toys. LO has also been congested and been battling diarrhea since Sunday-- haven't gone through this much laundry since he was little. 

    What helped save your sanity?

    Kind of late but I got to talk to one of my best friends this afternoon via skype. She just had a baby in September. It was so good to talk to her despite babies being fussy and catch up. They moved 3 years ago but we actually have stayed in touch which has been nice. 

    Topic for the week: Many of us spend a lot of time on TB and IRL doubting ourselves.  What is something you are doing RIGHT?

    I think I've learned to do what's best for my baby regardless of what others think. Almost none of the suggestions we got for our various problems worked so we had to do what was best for LO and us. LO is a happy and healthy baby. To me that proves that maybe we didn't do things by the book, but we are doing something right because he is alive. And some days, being alive is a success. 

    GTKY:  What is something from your childhood that you are sad your LO won't have?

    I think just the knowledge of a simpler life. No cell phones, no instant computer access. Thanks to Netflix I can expose him to Mister Rogers and other great tv shows when he's older. But I think there's something to be said about growing up in a world where you don't have everything instantly at your fingertips. He also won't know what it's like to get mass forwards and chain mail....ha!

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  • @rexgirl06 : Good luck with the hosting!  I love the idea of a red pantry door.  Pics?  So so sorry you are dealing with a poopy LO. Good for you to have the strength to dimiss what others say and do what you think is best for LO.  I have a lot of concerns about "instant" everything.  In fact, I almost tried to word that into the question.  Maybe next week.

    Is everyone else already busy with Holiday stuff?  Rexgirl and I are feeling a little lonely.

    F'14 October Siggy Challenge: Animals in Costumes

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  • @carleys I felt similarly when pregnant with LO. DH does not see birth or pregnancy as a "miracle". So while I was always in amazement at our weekly updates on growth etc, he was like "okay cool". He makes up for it by thinking similarly to what you think about LO. 
  • Hi @meghan14 and SAHM friends!! Thanks for doing this, Meghan! Sorry I'm late to the party. It's just been a busy week!

    What were your successes this week? Remaining relatively sane. Getting a huge grocery shopping done without LO melting down. Family pics (that came out great!)

    What was your biggest challenge or struggle this week? Being snowed in for days and days. Part of my SAHM strategy is getting out of the house every single day. That didn't happen. I think LO was definitely reacting to it also because he was a beast by Saturday. His schedule was disrupted -- no DC, having DH around all the time, etc.  I know he also sensed the tension DH and I were feeling about things like snow removal, possible structural problems, keeping the heat vents clear, etc. I was also prepping three meals a day which is definitely not something I do on a daily basis! 

    What helped save your sanity? Getting out of the house on Saturday! DH also let me sleep in a few of the snow days which was really great because even though he was home, I was doing most of the parenting even in the evenings because DH was either doing snow removal, recovering from snow removal, or trying to fit in some hours at work. Also, Tuesday I didn't have school, but LO still went to DC. I got a ton done and had some time to relax. 

    Topic for the week: Many of us spend a lot of time on TB and IRL doubting ourselves.  What is something you are doing RIGHT? I'm really good at being patient. It might not seem like it on here, but takes a lot for me to get frustrated or overwhelmed. I think I'm also good at encouraging DH to be an active parent and letting him know he's doing a good job and encouraging him that he can make decisions for our LO. 

    GTKY:  What is something from your childhood that you are sad your LO won't have? Mr. Rogers, my grandma, cassette tapes (I loved having them hanging on my bedroom wall and my walkman player)

    F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
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  • Finally got to check TB today after a nice long weekend.

    @MadisonPenny : Baby dancing is the cutest!  Sorry about the teething poor LO and mama.

    @carleys : Glad the appointment went well.  I feel bad for H because we're the opposite of what you mentioned.  He thinks everything LO does is great and I'm like "yup, they do that." I think I'm gonna try to be more like you and get excited.

    @caer : Glad the trip went ok, but I agree that with a LO travel is not a vacation.  

    @Shellbell3845 :  I can't even imagine being snowed in that long.  ugh!  Every time I think I miss NY or PA, winter comes around and I remember why I'm not eager to move back.

    @Bookshelves :  Girls' night and baby-free errands sound wonderful.

    If anyone has an idea for a topic for tomorrow, please PM me.  Sleep regression and Holidays have caused my brain to stop working.  

    F'14 October Siggy Challenge: Animals in Costumes

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