February 2014 Moms

Baby #2?

My son is almost 10 months and my husband is DYING to have another one. We only want 2 kids and wanted to have them close in age but I'm worried this might be too early. He has been begging to have another since our son was about 6 or 7 months old. Him and his sister are only 16 months apart and are very close so he wants that for our kids. I'm just nervous about how much work it will be with 2 kids so young. Opinions?

Re: Baby #2?

  • We are on month 2 of TTC #2.
  • Thanks for all the advice! Part of me wants to and the other part is telling me, "whoaaa slow down, that is going to be rough." Lol my son is SUCH a good baby so hopefully a second this close in age won't be as bad as I think
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  • Ours are 16 months apart and I wouldn't have any other way. It's true the 1st year is super busy, but we're really happy with our DD and DS. I'm on the 2under2 board sometimes. I have a lot of help from my family while DH and I work full time. If we were not financially stable or didn't have help from family, then our decision would have been different.

    I'd say go for it! I can see how close our kids are and I love it. I wouldn't mind a 3rd at this point, but DH said we're definitely done. I love babies! They're growing up so fast!

  • Our two will be 15 months apart. I am super excited for them to be so close on age. But I'm sure it will have its own challenges just like anything.
  • My older two are 15 months apart, and for me, I feel it was too close.  I do love how they're best friends, but I think DS2 sometimes gets the short end of the stick. People forget that he's a year younger and expect him to act like DS1. He never really got any alone time with me, where DS1 and DS3 both got lots.  I have really liked the spacing between DS2 and DS3, which is 3 years.

    But every family and experience is different of course!

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  • It's a scary thought, there are advantages to both. DH wanted ours close in age too, but we definitely didn't anticipate it being this close. They will be 1 yr and 4 days apart if I don't go early. But you never know, it could take awhile for the magic to happen. It's an important decision that you both must feel comfortable about. Honestly I am terrified, I wanted to wait at least a year before trying again. Whoops!
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  • My boys are 2 years apart, almost exactly. And I think this is a perfect age difference. DS1 is at the age where he can do things on his own, get something he needs and he understands when I need to take care of DS2. This age difference is perfect for our family. Good luck

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Remember that close in age won't mean they're close emotionally.

    I'm closest to my sister who is almost six years younger, and not as close to my older sister or younger brother, and we were all born within three and a half years.

    image image
  • My older sister is almost 3 years older than me and we got along fine growing up and are great friends now too. If you aren't ready, then I say no. YOU (and your sanity) are by far more important than age/closeness.  It's a two way street. 
  • Ours are 17 months apart. We have very little family help because we live 3,000 miles from family, so the beginning was rough, but it is greT to see the kids interact. We both work full time and the number one thing that made it easier was still being able to send my older one to daycare while on maternity leave with the baby. If I hadn't had that option, I would have felt very guilty about the level of one-on-one attention that the baby received.
    BFP #1 9/2010 (lost our baby at 21 weeks) BFP #2 8/2011 (ectopic pregnancy) BFP #3 10/2011 (chemical pregnancy) BFP #4 12/2011 (Abigail born 8/15/12) BFP #5 5/2013 (Griffin born 1/23/14 with heart defects, now repaired!)

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