Just curious... do you rock LO to sleep? If no, can you talk about how LO goes to sleep -- does LO go right to sleep or does LO play/pull up/etc before going to sleep?
F14 January Siggy Challenge: Gym/Fitness Fails
CP: Do you rock LO to sleep? 125 votes
Yes, I rock LO to sleep only at bedtime.
Yes, I rock LO to sleep only for naps.
Yes, I rock LO to sleep for both.
Sometimes I rock LO to sleep; sometimes I don't.
I never rock LO to sleep. (Please tell me about how LO gets himself/herself to sleep)
Special Sleeping Snowflake
Re: CP: Do you rock LO to sleep?
TTC #1 since 9/2012
BFP #1 2/16/13, EDD 10/13/13, CP 2/21/13
BFP #2 6/2/13
Baby J-Bug 2/8/14 My Wedding Bio from back in the day
TTC #1 since 9/2012
BFP #1 2/16/13, EDD 10/13/13, CP 2/21/13
BFP #2 6/2/13
Baby J-Bug 2/8/14 My Wedding Bio from back in the day
I've done some dr google research and it seems like we need to rock but not to the point of asleep just drowsy and put in crib, pat bum, etc. And then slowly decrease time rocking until nothing.
I've tried this but my first attempt ended in screaming so I gave up for now. I guess I'll be rocking him until college? :-??
Sorry none of this is helpful but I commiserate. I should have listened when the pedi told me that whatever I was doing at 4-5 months would become his sleep crutch...I just wanted baby snuggles!!
This. I'll still rock my 3 year old if she's having a bad day.
I promise you that you will not have to drive to a college dorm to rock your LO to sleep.
If you like it, and LO likes it, why stop? They are still babies! It's sweet, and these minutes go by so fast.
You are not breaking your baby by rocking him to sleep.
Right now middle of the night is the worst. We just cut nighttime feedings. So we check on her at intervals. Last night it took her 2 1/2 hours to fall back asleep. I feel your pain.
Naps are more challenging. We usually cuddle for a bit after her book and I rub her back after I put her down. Then she falls asleep.
I know we "should" start working on this but I'm not ready yet.
I don't rock DS to sleep. At night I read him a couple books and hold him in the glider while I give him a bottle, but at naps I just take him up to his room. I close the shades, turn on white noise, put him in his sleep sack, turn off the lights, give him his pacifier, and give him a kiss, tell him I love him and to have a good nap/night's sleep. Then I close the door and leave. He puts himself to sleep, usually pretty quickly. We used the Ferber method at 6 months to teach him to go to sleep on his own, and now he's pretty happy to do it.
Like PPs said, if you're fine with the current situation, there's no reason to stop rocking. For us, it was worth some initial sleep training crying to get to where we are now.
You think that breastfeeding loses all of its benefits on day 366?
I just mean, is there anything I need to be doing proactively to make sure he can fall asleep on his own or will it just click for him eventually?
Well, for my kids, yeah....it did just click. I thought DD1 would be in our bed for-ev-er. She was our first, we had no idea what we were doing and we pretty much adopted a "I don't care where you sleep, please just sleep" mentality. She's now 6, sleeping in her own bed.
I really think it depends on what you are comfortable with as a family. Nursing/rocking to sleep, letting the kids into the bed with us...all are things we've both been ok with. So far, no permanent damage, that I can see, has been done
Currently for naps I BF until she's sleepy, then I delatch her and plop her on my chest and she passes out. If DH is putting her down for a nap, he will turn on lullaby music and rock her. Rocking never really worked for me because LO always goes for the boob, but there was a period where swaying/bouncing to music worked.
MOTN sometimes DH can rock her back to sleep, but I usually end up nursing.
Bump Unofficial Glossary
I nursed LO1 to sleep until it stopped working and he can/will put himself to sleep. It was actually an easy enough transition despite the "expert" warnings against such things past x age. We were all worried at 18m when he started daycare, where he was expected to lay on a cot and go to sleep. He did it without incident and they've commented on how he's one of their best/easiest sleepers. We bedshared and now he (mostly) sleeps in his own room. Kids needs will change as they grow. Just like all things, how/when that happens will vary.
^grammar hahahahah
DD mostly puts herself to sleep. For naps, we just take her in, turn on the white noise, and flip the mobile on. Usually she just stares at the mobile for the length that it lasts (maybe 5 minutes), and by the time that's done, she's asleep. She also has a taggie lovey that she has to have to sleep.
For bedtime, we change, put pajamas on, bottle in the rocker (so rocking, I suppose), but once the bottle is done, she usually wants to play... she'll make faces and try to get you to engage her, but we cuddle a little bit, and put her in bed. 95% of the time, she is still wide awake, but usually she knows that she is supposed to go to sleep, and will. Occasionally she will stand up and fuss for a bit, but usually is out within a few minutes.
If she gets up in the MOTN, I default to rocking. Usually it works for me. MH defaults to a bottle, which usually works for him. I'm trying to get MH to understand that she doesn't necessarily need to eat in the MOTN... but with both of us doing different things, it's confusing.
dx PCOS 2007
BFP #1 (natural) 12/23/2010. Stillbirth due to IC 4/2/2011
TTC #2 starting 03/2012
RE starting 07/2012
05/2013 BFP on a Letrozole (Femara)/trigger!
Cerclage, Procardia, Makena, GD (with insulin), MBR, and we made it!
Our Angel was born sleeping at 20 weeks due to IC.
J. Jackson
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