As I've mentioned on here many, many (many) times before, my in laws are nuts. Currently their other son (my BIL), their other daughter in law and their other daughter in law's parents are fighting with them over some pretty awful remarks they made. The situation is very acrimonious and people are barely speaking. Still, everybody is getting together for Thanksgiving. We have all selected a seafood restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner because nobody wants to step foot in anybody else's house. BIL claims that everyone will behave because it is a public place, but just last Mother's Day (my first Mother's Day) they got into a screaming fight in the middle of a swanky Mother's Day brunch.
Anyway, I'm obligated to go because I promised DH. I really want to support DH's desire to be with his family, but I'm not sure how much longer I can do this. Especially given the fact that we now have a child who I really don't want growing up with this sort of conflict.
Anybody else in this boat or a similar boat? Suggestions are always welcome.
P.S. I hate that I come on here and always whine about the in laws, but this is just getting so all consuming and painful at this point.
Re: I'm dreading Thanksgiving with fighting family- anybody else in this boat?
My SIL seems to hate life sometimes and makes people miserable. She picks and chooses when to correct her kids and then when she does correct them, it's when they're doing the smallest thing wrong and she flips out. Fun times. My MIL gets the kids all riled up and loud and then wonders why they act like lunatics. Then SIL steps in and freaks out on them and that's about the point I'm ready to leave haha
Thanks guys. Sounds like a lot of people have passive aggressive awkward thanksgivings, but nobody is going to have the Jerry Springer style smackdown my clan may have. I guess that I win the dysfunctional family award. Weeee!!! LOL
Anyway, I'm going to talk to DH about exiting if it gets too much. Truthfully, our LO doesn't appear phased by fighting (the few times he has encountered it), but it can't be good for him and I want to set a precedent that this is not ok to do in front of the child