Cloth Diapering

Storing Homemade Bread

I know some of y'all make your own bread. How do you store it? I found a great dairy-free whitebread recipe. I keep it wrapped in clean kitchen towels, but it tends to dry out and go stale pretty quickly, especially if I pre-slice it. I have tried leaving it whole, but then I get breadcrumbs all over every time I saw off a few slices, and it's still stale by the end of the second day. I've read that people wrap it in plastic wrap and freeze it, but I hate to waste so much plastic wrap. Halp! Would a bread box do any good? Paper bag? Reusable plastic bag? Waxed paper?



Re: Storing Homemade Bread

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    Homemade bread really goes stale much faster than packaged bread because it doesn't have any preservatives.  I sometimes keep mine in a cake dome just to save on plastic wrap, but I don't think it keeps any longer that way.  I usually try to plan on making toast, croutons, bread pudding, etc., after the second day.
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    We keep ours in a plastic bread bag in the fridge. We eat it so fast it doesn't get stale.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I keep it in the fridge and slice as needed. If it's just around for like a day I just keep it cut side down on the board.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Not a way to keep it fresh, but when we make bread (in the bread maker) once the bread starts getting a little dried out and heading toward stale, we slice it into thick slices and freeze it.  Then we use it on the weekend to make french toast, after we defrost it a bit.
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    We have what mk has. Works well.
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    Why have I never heard of this bread keeper?  I want one now!
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