I was sort of bad - I skipped school a lot, drank with friends (and did other things) - but I got good grades so I generally flew under the radar. I wouldn't say I was popular, but I wasn't unpopular either. I was in the yearbook club, photography club and the student organization for animal rights. I also worked part time at a movie theater.
What about you?
Re: GTKY: What were you like in high school?
As far as friends, I wasn't one of the popular ones, although there weren't really many cliques when I was in school because my graduating class only had 45 people in it-we basically all got along.
I was a good girl-didn't even have a drink until I turned 18. My sister and I did skip sometimes, but always as long as we had a note from my dad because we were late anyways from chores.
I worked 2 jobs in high school-in the kitchen of a supper club, and the deli/bakery of the grocery store.
dx PCOS 2007
BFP #1 (natural) 12/23/2010. Stillbirth due to IC 4/2/2011
TTC #2 starting 03/2012
RE starting 07/2012
05/2013 BFP on a Letrozole (Femara)/trigger!
Cerclage, Procardia, Makena, GD (with insulin), MBR, and we made it!
Our Angel was born sleeping at 20 weeks due to IC.
I was definitely awkward in my teen years. I remember having my skirt tucked into my pantyhose, falling down a flight of steps, and crashing the drivers ed car.
I dabbled in some parties but nothing crazy.. unless you count throwing up in someone's rose bush.
Bump Unofficial Glossary
TTC #1 since 9/2012
BFP #1 2/16/13, EDD 10/13/13, CP 2/21/13
BFP #2 6/2/13
Baby J-Bug 2/8/14 My Wedding Bio from back in the day
1. Never skipped a class.
2. Opted to be a TA/dept assistant/take extra music classes instead of having lunch after freshman year. (possibly a minor eating disorder...)
3. Band (flute/piccolo), Jazz Choir (alto/tenor), Chorus (alto), Orchestra (cello {briefly}, percussion), Marching Band (piccolo/sqaud leader), drama club (stage hand/lighting crew, was 'on stage' once...), international club, and, get ready, queen of dorks, math team (grades 7-12).
4. Forgot church youth choir, grades 6-12.
5. 2 part-time jobs starting sophomore year (amusement park spring-fall), KBToys (year-round)
6. Friendly with most everyone, but excruciatingly shy, socially awkward. Managed to avoid most candid photos, even on our band trips to Florida/California/Virginia.
7. Small group of friends, with whom I still have dinner once a month.
8. Corruptive influence...I found some erotic literature (books, not magazines) of my parents when I was in 9th grade, and decided it was smart to pass it around among my friends...
9. Lost when it came to boys.... My brain was stuck in the kindergarten mentality of 'if you like a boy, hit them' for too long... (I bent my flute once by smacking my friend Phil with it....)
10. Generally a good girl. Never invited to any of the big parties.
38 y.o. w/PCOS
August Siggy Challenge-Rainbows & Unicorns
March 10, 2014 - G was born
Then I started hanging out with some older guys in 10th/11th grades (like, 20 years old and older, they were in a band) and got into a LOT of trouble. Going to clubs, lots of drinking, some drugs, LOTS of promiscuity. I went really crazy, made some really bad choices, had a few bad things happen to me.
I settled down a little bit in senior year. I was dating a much older guy (I think he was 23??) but he treated me well and I just did a pretty normal amount of drinking and partying at that point.
Contrary to DH's experience, which was the typical small town Texas. He played football, dated a cheerleader, drank at parties, and generally LOVED high school. Very different!!