Cloth Diapering

Cloth Diaper Sprayers

I'm going to start cloth diapering with my first child (arriving sometime in December :P )

I've read about diaper sprayers and it looks like a FABULOUS idea.

I was just wondering if you all have used them and like them. I read some people have problems with leaking.

What brands do you like the best?

Do you put the rinsed out poopy diaper in with the pee ones, or do I need to keep them separate? 

Has anyone tried a DIY version?

Re: Cloth Diaper Sprayers

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    Great thanks...can either of you pass along tips as to how you made your own, or at least a supplies list?
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    can you get away with out a sprayer ? 
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    Oh perfect!!! Thank you for the link.

    So you say I don't need one of these sprayers until he starts eating solid foods. What do I do with the poopy diaper until then? Just toss it in with the pee ones without rinsing it? Or do I dump the poop in the toilet without spraying it.

    I've never even changed a diaper before, let alone seen the differences in poop. I plan on breast feeding and heard the poop is runny with sesame seed type things in it.
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    If you'd like some insurance against leaks, use friction tape (plumbers tape) you wrap it around the threads of your plumbing connections before you screw them together.
    A roll of it is about $2 at the hardware store, and will be way more than enough for installing a sprayer.
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    Poo before solids is liquid. So you don't ned to do anything with it. Just throw the diaper in the wet bag with the pee diapers. The seeds are just undigested milk fat.
    We use the bum genius sprayer. Never had any issues.
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    Everyone says that, but we ended up with blob of poop in our washer if we didn't rinse his diapers, even before he was eating solids.
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    We didn't start spraying until DS started solids. We still have to spray all of his diapers. The BumGenius sprayer has worked great for over 15 months now. I would not use cloth diapers without a sprayer!
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    For those of you that DIY'd your sprayer, do you remember how much it all cost? There are ones online for $35, but if it's a significant savings, I'd be willing to try a diy. Do u you have something to hang it on?

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    Beansjjo said:

    can you get away with out a sprayer ? 

    Yes. We have been CDing for 2.5 years without a sprayer. Disposable liners helped a bit during the peanut butter poo phase, but otherwise if it doesn't plop out easily we can dunk-swish-scrape. Probably helps that we have old toilets that flush through a ton of water. I have found when we travel that dunking and swishing is a bit harder with low flow toilets, so if I lived in a place with those I would probably want to install a sprayer.
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